Monday, October 20, 2008


So, a lot has been happening since the Yoga post.  
For starters I was incredibly sick last week.  Was out of work for 2.5 days sick.  Lost 6 pounds sick. Didn't get out of bed for 36 hours sick.  It was bad.  My anthem for those days was the song Healer.  I don't care what people say about the controversy surrounding that song. Every time I sang it, I had hope God would ultimately heal me, and He did!  It is times like that, that I am incredibly thankful to be living with my mom!  She took great care of me.  Thanks, Mom!
Second, I saw the movie "The Secret Life of Bees".  It was amazing!  Finally a movie has followed the book's story line.   Of course some things were left out, but still amazing.  If you haven't read the book "The Secret Life of Bees" it is on my Top 5 Books of All Time List.  I'm an avid reader, so it has to be good to make that list! 
The bigger thing going on is that I will be going on a missions trip to the Amazon River basin in Brazil in June 2009!
Let me back up a bit.  I normally have an aversion to anything that resembles 'roughing it', but whenever someone brings up the annual mission trip to the Amazon I get this aching in my chest.  A good ache of longing to be with the people of that area.  
Well, last weekend was missions weekend at my church, and the Amazon trip was brought up again.  This time though it was time to sign up, and I did.  I could no longer avoid the fact that God has been preparing my heart for the call to go on this mission.  I did it in faith because this is way outside of my comfort zone and because it is an expensive trip.  
I've also recently made a conscious decision to do things that scare me because a life lived in fear probably means I'm not trusting God enough to actually LIVE.  I don't know about you, but I want to LIVE!
If you would like to be a prayer partner with me as I prepare for this trip OR you would like to sew financially into this mission I would love to hear from you!  Just shoot me an email at alisonlhunt [at] gmail [dot] com, and I'll answer any questions you may have. :-)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Yoga Lessons & Revelations

I've recently been going to ashtanga yoga classes 3 times a week.  Before I get angry "Yoga is the devil" comments, let me tell you how God has been speaking to me through it. Everything we do in life requires prayer and faith.  God can redeem anything. I know that yoga is rooted in hinduism, but I am fortunate to have an instructor that does not focus on spiritual aspect of yoga. My prayers in yoga class started out as prayers of spiritual covering, but I've found my prayers morphing into great conversations with God!
Lesson #1: Ashtanga yoga requires focus on the connection between breath and movement.  For example, on the inhale you do one move and on the exhale you do the next move.  
Revelation #1: Through that focus, I've been able to lay down worries of the day, focus my mind on God and have set myself up to hear from God without distraction.  
Lesson #2: Yoga is also about being in the moment. 
Revelation #2: I've begun to realize that I should not 'live for the weekend', but for each moment that God gives me.  I often say, "I'm glad I had a busy day because it makes the day go by so fast!"  It is causing me to ask God more, "how do you want to use me in this moment, this hour, and this day?"
Lesson #3: Yoga requires listening to your instructor for maximum results and minimum injury.
Revelation #3:  Hello!  Read your Bible! What better way is there to listen to my Instructor, but through reading His words?
Lesson #4: Improvement happens through consistent practice and discipline.
Revelation #4:  Change doesn't always happen over night and it's easy to become impatient and give up.  Don't give up.  Instead press into my relationship with God and surrender to His will. The change will follow.  How can I not change in the presence of God?
I'm sure many more revelations will come!  If you decide to start going to yoga classes, it is important to know that it's foundations are rooted in an eastern religion.  Find a class you feel comfortable in.  There are also a lot of Christian yoga DVDs for sale online too!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Christmas in October

Being the planner that I am, tonight I started writing down what I want to get my family for Christmas.  In this day and time, it pays (rather saves) to start Christmas shopping now, rather than later.  It's the only way to Christmas shop on a budget.  This way I can pick up things as I find them.  
I am not sharing my gift ideas this year because some family may read this blog!  I've also made a decision to not exchange gifts with friends this year.  I want to dedicate my resources to my every growing family.   Not only is my last sibling engaged, but my brother and his wife are expecting another baby!  I get to be an aunt again!  
OK, enough Christmas in October...
PS.  I LOVE my nephew!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mini NYC Wrap-up

I've been home from NYC for 3 days and all I want to do is go back!  
The trip started off a little rough though.  My flight was cancelled because Delta could not locate an FAA approved fire extinguisher to put on the plane!  They gave me a meal voucher and booked me for a later flight.  That would have been fine, except my second flight was delayed 3 hours because NYC was experiencing a nor'easter!  I finally got to NYC 8 hours later than expected, but was so happy to finally get there!  
The rest of the weekend consisted of some serious bonding with 2 of my best friends, and going to the Pure Life conference.  My heart and soul were completely rocked by God.  I wish I could tell you everything, but some things are too precious to put out there for the world wide web to read.  I will tell you that spending time with Shelby and Tanner really really blessed me, and reconnecting with Amy and Shelby was the best gift of the whole weekend.  
I wish everyone could have friends as good as mine!
Here's a link to my NYC pics.