Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lighten Up

Friends, I have been a brunette for almost 4 years, and have decided to go back to blonde. Unfortunately, that will take quite some time....here is the beginning stages of the process!


  1. ooh looks nice so far...you are one of those totally blessed girls that can do any shade of hair and still look amazing! you lucky!

  2. It'll be just like old times. You were a blonde when I met you. Ahhh... memory lane... 6 am prayer meetings, life group on Fulmer Circle... those were the days!

    It looks really nice, though! I agree with Amy; some girls can't pull off the in between shades well, but you look amazing!

  3. oooohhhh lookin' good!

    i just went to get highlights here in Budapest and I asked for darker ones. He gave me blonder ones, so I guess I'm joining your train :D though I can't say I could ever see myself going blond.

  4. I love your color and cut!!! So beautiful. I am on my pilgrimage towards blonde, as well.....only i was a brunette for like 2 months before going back LOL. I am still a brunette, but like you, on my way back!
