Monday, May 12, 2008

The Bad Men...

My nephew, Alexander is 4 years old and in January he started attending the pre-school at my church. On Friday morning, my mom drove Alex to school and had a very surprising conversation. Nana - "Alexander, do you know that your Nana loves you very very much?" Alex - "Yes, and God loves me too, but the bad men put him on the cross and put nails in his hands!" Nana - "Yes they did, and He died so we can live." Alex - "Yes, He did." For my nephew, a Christian education has proved to be priceless. He is learning, at the age of 4, what unfortunately, most people wont learn until much later in life. Praise God for hearing and answering my and my mom's prayers!


  1. Wow! That is such an amazing story!!

  2. Don't see an email for you on your site, but of course I don't mind, that's so flattering of you to link to me. Love the blog. :)
