Sunday, May 22, 2011

She asked for it.

Friends, this is Stephanie. One of my dearest friends.

On Sunday night we were talking on the phone {unfortunately, we don't live in the same city}, and she read my last post, As of Late, while we were on the phone. Actually, she read it out loud to me as if I hadn't written it myself!  She then asked me to write a list of adjectives that describe her. My response..."Write your own dang list! I wrote mine!" I actually said that too. Ask her, she'll confirm. Of course I was kidding and told her I would write a list and publish it to my blog for her to read it with the whole 5 other people who read this blog.  She asked for it.
  • Funny. Slap your knee, silent laugh kind of funny.
  • Honest. The woman is not afraid to tell you like it is, but somehow you never want to punch her for telling you the hard truth. 
  • Very expressive, and her crazy (but lovely) dog Bella has been a great source of prodding her expressive comments.
  • Not quiet. She's the ying to my yang in that department.
  • Smart - genius level smart. She would never tell you but she's at the top of her field.
  • Organized - she definitely likes order, but is ok to go with the flow as well.
  • Compassionate, kind, and sees the hope of who a person can be before that person realizes it for themselves.
  • Random...just like me. She can be mid-sentence and change subjects, then pick up the first sentence where she left off. 
  • She sings Ke$ha every time I say the word glitter. As in "throw some glitter, make it rain."
  • She also has a plan....for world domination. duh!
It's important to encourage the people in your life. Not to be morbid, but you may not have tomorrow to tell them what God told you say to them today. Go love on your people. I think you'll like the results. We could all do with a little less holding back and with a little more lavished love.


  1. What FUN! I love that you are quiet and she is not.... my bestie Becky is like that. She is the ying to my yang too.

    Friends really are the best blessing I can think of. K sent me this quote last night and it is perfection for describing the bond that ties us together as friends.

    "A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably.” --William Penn

    And on another note...I vote Stephanie starts a blog. :) She just seems so funny and also very wise!

  2. I agree...Stephanie should totally blog. Actually, she should vlog. ;)
