Monday, February 28, 2011

Vlog! One Word - part 2

Happy Monday and welcome back for part two of my One Word vlog series!  This segment is all about my word.

{In case you need to catch up, here's part one.}

One Word - Segment 2 - Alison from Alison Hunt on Vimeo.

Love-love, Alison.


  1. Fantastic! Thanks for sharing. I've always appreciated your honesty, Alison.

    So, Aaralyn kept talking to you two and couldn't understand why you didn't answer her. She thought we were skyping :)

  2. Oh my goodness. We crack me up. Love you! I see many more beach weekends in the future. And if videos come out of all of us all. :-)

  3. Janna - Aaralyn is precious!
    Steph - oh the videos we will make!
    Melissa - Thanks! :)

  4. Girl.

    Ouch. You stepped on my toes ;)

    I could very easily say that controlled was my word too. For a lot of the same reasons. Control is my safe zone and not in control freaks me out. I so needed to hear this....speaking to my heart dear one. <3

  5. I just watched these. Great stuff! And you two are really cute to watch, so that's a bonus. :) I'll be sure to tune in next time, too.

    Oh, and Clara says, "Alison and Stephanie are really fun people."

    Love you both!

  6. This is SUCH a great idea!! I didn't pick a one-word for my year... But I love how you're doing this for everyone. And y'all make a great team. :)

    (And so jealous that you're getting to see Lady Antebellum. wow!)

  7. Christy - So glad I'm not alone in the control department! ;) It's tough letting go.

    Jen - Love you too and tell Clara I think she's fun too!

    Mandy - I didn't do the one word for the year either but I liked this idea of assessing where I'm at now and where I would like to be in the near future. I can't wait to see Lady A!!!

  8. I TOTALLY loved this! But, don't you think you HAVE been making the change from "controlled" to "genuine"? I seriously think you have! Maybe not to the extent that you would like, but I think as you've grown, you've definitely been more genuine, open, honest.

    I think my word is indifference...I'm working to make my word passion!
