Friday, May 8, 2009

8 Things

Christy had this on her blog today and I was sorta tagged so I am doing it for fun :) 8 Things Here's how 8 THINGS works:- Mention the person that tagged you.- Complete the lists of 8's.- Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends.- Go tell them you tagged them! 8 THINGS I LOOK FORWARD TO: 1. Spending time with my family on mother's day 2. Shelby's bachelorette party/ bridal shower extravaganza! 3. Shelby and Tanner's Wedding 4. Lindsay and Jason's wedding in France! 5. Stephanie visiting for Memorial Day weekend 6. Shopping for my upcoming trips and parties 7. Getting a new Vera Bradley 8. Reading a new book 8 THINGS I DID YESTERDAY: 1. Laundry 2. Worked 3. Went to lunch with a co-worker 4. Went to a meeting 5. Read a few blogs 6. Chatted with friends 7. Almost got a free trip to London for work (don't ask, I can't tell) (you know I like to be cryptic) 8. Went to the Dentist - NO CAVITIES! 8 THINGS I WISH I COULD DO: 1. Travel the world :) 2. Read for a living 3. Own a bookstore. 4. Work in a Library 5. Visit my friends all over the country 6. Go to the beach every day 7. Write a book 8. Knit 8 SHOWS I WATCH: 1. The Biggest Loser 2. So You Think You Can Dance 3. Dancing with the Stars 4. Ugly Betty 5. America's Next Top Model 6. What Not to Wear 7. Kings 8. Millionaire Matchmaker 8 BLOGGERS TAGGED: YOU! If you are reading this you must partake of some 8 Things Fun :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am so glad you did this...what fun!

    I LOVE Vera Bradley...right now I am carrying purple punch :)

    Own a bookstore...why did I not think of that?!?! That is way better than working in one :)

    Have a super weekend!
