Friday, January 23, 2009

A little less melancholy

I admit that my last post was very introspective and melancholy. Thank God that is not my standard operating system! While I think it is good to reflect, I think it's even better to move forward and use the revelations that come with a good dose of introspection. Since it is late on a Friday night, I am having trouble stringing my thoughts together in a way that is enjoyable to read. Instead, you are getting my "25 Random Things About Me" 1. I'm 1/2 Native Dad is the Native 2. My mom, brother and I were all born on the 13th day of different months 3. I LOVE, seriously LOVE, fantasy/sci-fi fiction novels. Twilight saga, Chronicles of Narnia, A Wrinkle in Time, etc. If you know me, it is kinda anti-type for me ha! 4. I'm a closet computer geek. 5. In the future, I want a job that surrounds me with really good books. 6. I lived in Los Angeles for 6 crazy months. 7. I was on a competition Dance team for 8 years. Tap was my specialty. 8. I'm addicted to endorphins....seriously yall. 9. I have a hard time turning down anything sweet....makes me exercise my self-control muscle. 10. I'm a vegetarian of the lacto-ovo-pesca sort. google it. 11. I'm still friends with girls I met in pre-school. 12. I'm a fan of the show Paranormal State. It's different than those ghost hunter shows. They help people get rid of whatever spirit/demon is in their home. Pretty cool stuff. 13. The supernatural/paranormal fascinates me 14. I'm a Google Reader addict. 15. I love Vera Bradley bags! Not all patterns, but I have my favorites. It's definitely a southern thang. 16. I made a lot of the jewelry you see me wear 17. I have stacks of books around my room....i need wall to wall shelves. 18. I only make my bed when company is coming over. 19. My morning routine hardly ever changes. If I do things out of order I almost always forget to put on deodorant. I forget nothing but that! ha! 20. I really enjoy watching people open gifts I get them! 21. I would rather wear a dress instead of pants to work, but you'll always find me in jeans on the weekends. 22. Diet Dr. Pepper is my favorite soda...and I prefer fountain soda to canned or bottled. 23. I buy my bread at the local farmer's market on Saturdays 24. Twitter...everyone needs a twitter! 25. My favorite movie is I Am Sam


  1. I love Vera, too! I just got a new one the other day!

  2. I actually knew most of those things! :)

  3. Oh my goodness I love Vera too....and the morning routine I so get...I am the same way if I get out of the routine I forget the deodorant! And I too am a google reader addict!

    I did not know you had a blog and I am glad I found it...guess where I am adding it :)
