Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Tonight I said to God, "Please dont let me be disappointed again!" (with a heavy emphasis on whining and begging), and do you know what His response was?  
"In Me you will never be disappointed".  
"God, I don't think I can handle disappointment will crush me." 
"Alison, put your hope in Me alone.  Everything else fades away except for Me"
Cut to the core by a few words.  
What/who are you putting your hope in today?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

tattoos, dreams and unknown bloggers

I'm in a very 'listy' mood this week. Yes, I just made up another word. -I met a girl while I was waiting in line for coffee that had a Latin word tattooed rather largely on the inside of her right forearm. I asked her what the word means and she crossed her arms and said very bitterly, "it means 'I've made mistakes'", and then looked off in the opposite direction. Hindsight is 20/20 because I wish I would have then said "There's forgiveness, you know". I didnt. Opportunity lost. Pray for her. -I had a dream on Monday night set in the 19th century that included proposals, fainting, tears, and lots of dramatics. I love how God entertains me in my sleep! -On that note, my dreaming dry spell is over! Now if only I could get my interpretation chops back in line, I'd be set. -Today I am contemplating for what I am thankful. I want to be prepared for the inevitable Thanksgiving tradition of sharing my Thanksgiving list with the fam. -Dave Barnes is my music of choice for this holiday weekend. I want to book him for a special event that I hope takes place sometime in my life. I wonder how much are his booking fees... -My current list of favorite 'not personally known to me' bloggers is as follows: Maundering Pondering All These Things Lynse Leanne Matt, Liz and Madeline Ragamuffin Soul Whitaker Woman OK, enough listiness for today.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Holidays and other randomness

-Have you ever had dreams that are so vivid you wake up and still feel a physical touch or emotion? Try having 3 of those dreams in the last week...intense!  
-The holiday season should prove to be interesting this year...especially since they are not traditionally very vegetarian friendly.  I guess I'll be enjoying the sides...I have always liked the sides better than the Turkey anyway.
-I'm in a wedding on Valentines Day.  Not the best of days for a single person to be in a wedding, but at least my friend is ordering a vegetarian meal for me!  Considerate friend FTW!
-Jess, my uber talented cousin, has a shop on  Check it out here ---> JCF Designs
-I've finally mastered turning in my library books on time! This is a huge improvement from a few years ago.  I was on a self-imposed ban from renting DVD's or checking out books. Lets just say that I spent way more than the items were worth in late fees a few times too many.
-I hate when someone tramples on my friend's feelings...not cool. 
-Spiedy got married?!  I have no words.
-The Biggest Loser always makes me cry.  I love seeing people achieve something perceived to be impossible.  It inspires me to keep doing what I'm doing even though the results can be slow in coming.
-Last but not least...photoshop gone terribly wrong.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I've gone veggie!

Yes, the rumors and twitters are true. I, Alison Hunt, have become a vegetarian.
You may be asking why on God's green earth would I give up yummy steaks, awesome cheeseburgers, and fabulous chicken. The answer is simple:
I cannot in good conscience eat meat from abused animals.
You may or may not know that most of the animals that are slaughtered for food are raised on factory farms. Factory farms are places that breed animals for food. They keep animals in cages slightly bigger than their bodies, medical needs go untreated, they are injected with growth you want me to keep going? I could, you know.
I do understand that not EVERY farm treats their animals, but how can I guarantee that the meat I buy at Publix is not from one of these farms? I cant. Not even organic meat is guaranteed to be "factory farm free". [side note: my friend Angela grew up on a farm that had their own cattle slaughtered for food for the whole family. I would DEFINITELY eat meat from her farm! Their animals are treated as God intended them to be treated and they aren't injected with all sorts of unknown chemicals.]
I've known for a long time how animals are treated on these farms, and happily kept eating meat on a regular basis. A few weeks ago that all changed though. Out of nowhere (well, from God) I started feeling conviction about eating meat! This was more of a shock to me than how the animals are treated.
I started praying and asking God to show me why I should be convicted about eating meat because at this point I had not connected it to the factory farms. I also began researching vegetarian diet needs, and saw some pictures of factory farm animals. Then God hit me like a ton of bricks and basically told me "I never intended for the animals to be treated that way. Not even food animals."
To be honest, I didn't stop eating meat right away. I had to sit on that word for a time, I read Genesis, thought about how shepherds took care of their flocks throughout the Bible, and prayed some more. As the days wore on, I began feeling nauseous just looking at meat, both cooked and uncooked. I knew I had to make a decision and be obedient to what God was asking of me. So, I gave up meat as a faith based decision. I didn't go veggie because it fashionable, or because I value animals higher than humans, or just to lose weight. I went veggie because eating meat crosses my conscience, and I'm responsible before God for the decisions I make. One thing I am committed to is to not go on a "Veggie Crusade" to convert all my friends. However, I will freely talk about all of the reasons I based this decision on, and what people do with that information is up to them. I am very fortunate to have several vegetarians in my life. They are helping me, along with my own research, to know what to eat to get all of the nutrients I need, and how to safely transition. Don't worry, I'm not going vegan.....that's too extreme. If you want to know anymore about my decision to go veggie, please feel free to contact me! -A

Monday, October 20, 2008


So, a lot has been happening since the Yoga post.  
For starters I was incredibly sick last week.  Was out of work for 2.5 days sick.  Lost 6 pounds sick. Didn't get out of bed for 36 hours sick.  It was bad.  My anthem for those days was the song Healer.  I don't care what people say about the controversy surrounding that song. Every time I sang it, I had hope God would ultimately heal me, and He did!  It is times like that, that I am incredibly thankful to be living with my mom!  She took great care of me.  Thanks, Mom!
Second, I saw the movie "The Secret Life of Bees".  It was amazing!  Finally a movie has followed the book's story line.   Of course some things were left out, but still amazing.  If you haven't read the book "The Secret Life of Bees" it is on my Top 5 Books of All Time List.  I'm an avid reader, so it has to be good to make that list! 
The bigger thing going on is that I will be going on a missions trip to the Amazon River basin in Brazil in June 2009!
Let me back up a bit.  I normally have an aversion to anything that resembles 'roughing it', but whenever someone brings up the annual mission trip to the Amazon I get this aching in my chest.  A good ache of longing to be with the people of that area.  
Well, last weekend was missions weekend at my church, and the Amazon trip was brought up again.  This time though it was time to sign up, and I did.  I could no longer avoid the fact that God has been preparing my heart for the call to go on this mission.  I did it in faith because this is way outside of my comfort zone and because it is an expensive trip.  
I've also recently made a conscious decision to do things that scare me because a life lived in fear probably means I'm not trusting God enough to actually LIVE.  I don't know about you, but I want to LIVE!
If you would like to be a prayer partner with me as I prepare for this trip OR you would like to sew financially into this mission I would love to hear from you!  Just shoot me an email at alisonlhunt [at] gmail [dot] com, and I'll answer any questions you may have. :-)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Yoga Lessons & Revelations

I've recently been going to ashtanga yoga classes 3 times a week.  Before I get angry "Yoga is the devil" comments, let me tell you how God has been speaking to me through it. Everything we do in life requires prayer and faith.  God can redeem anything. I know that yoga is rooted in hinduism, but I am fortunate to have an instructor that does not focus on spiritual aspect of yoga. My prayers in yoga class started out as prayers of spiritual covering, but I've found my prayers morphing into great conversations with God!
Lesson #1: Ashtanga yoga requires focus on the connection between breath and movement.  For example, on the inhale you do one move and on the exhale you do the next move.  
Revelation #1: Through that focus, I've been able to lay down worries of the day, focus my mind on God and have set myself up to hear from God without distraction.  
Lesson #2: Yoga is also about being in the moment. 
Revelation #2: I've begun to realize that I should not 'live for the weekend', but for each moment that God gives me.  I often say, "I'm glad I had a busy day because it makes the day go by so fast!"  It is causing me to ask God more, "how do you want to use me in this moment, this hour, and this day?"
Lesson #3: Yoga requires listening to your instructor for maximum results and minimum injury.
Revelation #3:  Hello!  Read your Bible! What better way is there to listen to my Instructor, but through reading His words?
Lesson #4: Improvement happens through consistent practice and discipline.
Revelation #4:  Change doesn't always happen over night and it's easy to become impatient and give up.  Don't give up.  Instead press into my relationship with God and surrender to His will. The change will follow.  How can I not change in the presence of God?
I'm sure many more revelations will come!  If you decide to start going to yoga classes, it is important to know that it's foundations are rooted in an eastern religion.  Find a class you feel comfortable in.  There are also a lot of Christian yoga DVDs for sale online too!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Christmas in October

Being the planner that I am, tonight I started writing down what I want to get my family for Christmas.  In this day and time, it pays (rather saves) to start Christmas shopping now, rather than later.  It's the only way to Christmas shop on a budget.  This way I can pick up things as I find them.  
I am not sharing my gift ideas this year because some family may read this blog!  I've also made a decision to not exchange gifts with friends this year.  I want to dedicate my resources to my every growing family.   Not only is my last sibling engaged, but my brother and his wife are expecting another baby!  I get to be an aunt again!  
OK, enough Christmas in October...
PS.  I LOVE my nephew!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mini NYC Wrap-up

I've been home from NYC for 3 days and all I want to do is go back!  
The trip started off a little rough though.  My flight was cancelled because Delta could not locate an FAA approved fire extinguisher to put on the plane!  They gave me a meal voucher and booked me for a later flight.  That would have been fine, except my second flight was delayed 3 hours because NYC was experiencing a nor'easter!  I finally got to NYC 8 hours later than expected, but was so happy to finally get there!  
The rest of the weekend consisted of some serious bonding with 2 of my best friends, and going to the Pure Life conference.  My heart and soul were completely rocked by God.  I wish I could tell you everything, but some things are too precious to put out there for the world wide web to read.  I will tell you that spending time with Shelby and Tanner really really blessed me, and reconnecting with Amy and Shelby was the best gift of the whole weekend.  
I wish everyone could have friends as good as mine!
Here's a link to my NYC pics.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Knowing What to Say...

Last week I read a back issue of one of my favorite magazines that is no longer in print...Radiant Magazine.  Fortunately, they still have an online presence.  The reason I was rereading it was because I ran out of books to read and my requests hadn't made it to the library yet.  As you may know, I LOVE to read, and especially on my lunch break.  So, I needed something to read and why not a back issue of Radiant?
Anyway,  as I was reading an article written by 2 female friends; one is married and one is single.  This article addresses how single and married women can better relate to each other.  I wish I had a link to the article online, but you can buy this issue at the Relevant Store.  It is a great article about how single and married women can and need to be friends.  
The best part of the article are 2 lists title, "Loving Single Friends" and "Loving Married Friends".  Each had different things each group needs and wants from their friendships.  
Here are the lists: 
[DISCLAIMER: just so you know it comes from the fall 2006 issue of Radiant in the article What Not to Say by Marlene Baer and Cari Stone.  This is my anti-plagiarism statement.]
Loving Single Friends:
  1. Initiate.  Get a sitter if you need to and plan a date with me, without your husband and kids.
  2. Invite me over for dinner.  It's tough to fend for yourself every night or to eat leftovers at the kitchen sink.
  3. Ask me to come on a weekend family trip or outing.  I want to get to know your spouse and your kids.
  4. Join me on my turf.  Pick me up for lunch at my office, go on a walk with me in my neighborhood or go out with me on a Friday night.
  5. Include me at your couples' parties.  Rather than trying to protect me from an awkward situation, let me decide if I feel like coming to the party so I don't feel excluded.
Loving Married Friends:
  1. Ask me about my marriage and family.  I value your perspective, and you have insights that can help me navigate my world.
  2. Meet me at a park to chat sometimes.  If you can be patient with my divided attention, meaningful conversation can prevail.
  3. When you need advice about your professional life, call me.  Remember that I still like to think about things other than 2-year-olds.
  4. Get to know my spouse.  You interest in him and what makes him tick means a lot to both of us.
  5. When I have to say "no" to a fun getaway or evening because my family needs me, trust that this is a decision I didn't take lightly.  Support my commitment to keep my family my first priority.
As a single woman, I can affirm that those 5 statements are true for me.  It is important that not all activities with married friends revolve around kids, marriage and family events.  On the flip side, it is nice to be included in those events because I only get to experience that perspective through my married friends.  Basically, I want to be involved in my friends lives, but every good friendship needs some focused time too.
Being that I'm not married, I don't know if the "Loving Married Friends" list is true.  Is it?
What would you add or remove from each list?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mismatched Shoe Policy

As you know, I am going to NYC in a matter of 11 days! In preparation for my trip, I had to buy a few things. One of those things was a pair of shoes to go with my new cocktail dress. Well, today I visited the DSW - St. Johns Town Center in Jacksonville, FL to purchase that pair of shoes. I found the perfect pair of shoes and went to the register to purchase them. The cashier checked the shoes and told me they were 2 different sizes (the difference was a 1/2 size). I told her I found them on the clearance rack, so she went back to find the matching pairs. She was unsuccessful, and decided to check the back of the store. When she came back to the register, she told me that the matching shoes were not in the store and it was the last pair in the store. I told her that was ok, and that I still wanted to buy the shoes because I couldn't tell a size difference when I put them on. She then informed me that she could not sell them to me mismatched because of a store policy. I understand the policy in theory because they do not want to sell mismatched shoes if the matching shoes are in the store, but in my case their matches were not in the store at all. That leads me to believe the other shoes were sold as a mismatched pair. After she told me the store policy, I asked to speak to her manager. The manager told me about the same policy, and so I asked what he would do with shoes he wouldn't sell to me. He told me that he would send them back to his vendor and they would be recycled. I was shocked that he was unwilling to sell me the shoes and send them to be recycled!! Recycled!! He would rather recycle the shoes than take my money! I like to shop at DSW, but the manager was unsympathetic, and unwilling to make a sale. Basically, the lack of attention to detail caused a mismatched pair of shoes to be sold and the other mismatched pair to be left in the store, and my perfect shoes could not be bought. Fortunately, my awesome mom was with me and encouraged me that we could find another pair of shoes just as great. 2 hours and 6 stores later, we found them. I like to shop, but I have never spent so much energy to find shoes to go with a dress! My mom is a trooper to go to all of those stores with me. Thanks mom!

Friday, September 12, 2008

My friend Nicole

Tonight I had dinner with my friend Nicole, and it was the last time to see her before she moves to Washington DC with her husband.  Nicole was my first friend when I moved to St. Augustine in high school.  We both worked at a grocery store and one night we had break together.  She started talking to me and inviting me to hang out with her and her friends.  She was an answer to many lonely prayers.  
We even went to the same college, and it was in college that our friendship was tested and almost broken.  Through that tough time, our friendship became stronger because we learned that some friendships are worth fighting for.  I am so thankful that we fought like hell to hold on because she has been a steady rock in my life through the years.  I can count on one hand my friends that I am completely unguarded with, and she is on that hand!   I'm going to miss her like crazy and believe when I say I'll be making trips to DC to
 stay with her and her hubby!
I love you, Nicole!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Stacked Week

This week is shaping up to be busy/crazy/stressful/fun!  Here's a rundown of what I have had going on since last Sunday and for the rest of the week:
  • Work @ the nursery
  • Birthday lunch with Jules
  • Time with my big brother and the family
  • Faculty Meeting
  • Luncheon for new-full time faculty
  • Set-up for Convocation
  • Set-up for reception for new full-time faculty
  • Dinner with a new friend
  • Convocation (the speaker was Ah-mazing!)
  • Set-up for meeting between faculty and Convocation speaker
  • Help different departments get ready for the first day of classes
  • Meeting 
  • Play catch up on to-do list from Monday and Tuesday
  • Dance Mix and Gentle Yoga classes
  • First Day of Classes!
  • Staff Meeting
  • Run around campus to help where needed w. first day stuff
  • Finish catching up on Monday and Tuesday's lists
  • Kids Praise kick-off at church...lead craft small group w. 4th & 5th graders
  • Contemporary Choir rehearsal
  • ANTM starts! (this is obviously part of the fun section of the week!)
  • Prepare for guest on campus
  • Try to do both Thursday's and Friday's work in case Hanna keeps me at home on Friday
  • Meet with Boss
  • Work on a big project with a tight deadline
  • Figure out how to utilize my work-study student this semester
  • Maybe go to Zumba
  • Hang out down town with my Life Group
  • Maybe get a freebie day because of Hurricane Hanna...if not:
  • Wrap up this crazy week
  • Attend beginning of the year reception
  • Maybe work over-time on a project
  • Zumba class in the AM
  • REST
  • Get somethings I need for my trip to NYC
  • REST
  • Church
  • Life Group

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

NYC Must Sees...a blog of lists

I've started making a list of all the the things I want to do when I visit NYC. The trick is to not go broke in the process! Amy and I have been trying to brain storm ways to save money. This is what we've come up with:
  • Stay with friends & family: i.e. Shelby
  • Eat breakfast before we leave for the day @ Shelby's
  • Bring a lunch for most of the days we are in the city
  • Cook at least one dinner in
  • Find free stuff to do in the city
My other friend, Jessica, emailed me these awesome links of stuff to do for free or not much money:
I also have some must sees and dos:
  • Going for a ride on the Staten Island Ferry to catch a glimpse of Lady Liberty and the new man-made waterfall under the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • Participating in some serious shopping (I've been saving for that!) at H&M and some other shops. Hopefully, my friends are up for it!
  • Walking around Central Park and maybe taking a book to lay on the grass and read.
  • Going back to Times Square at night to take some pictures with my friends.
  • Eat some fabulous Thai food
  • Meet and hang out with Shelby's NYC friends
  • Visit Kayla...NYC's newest Tallahassee transfer
  • Hopefully see the Bouch family!
Do you have any NYC must sees/dos or ways to save?

Monday, August 25, 2008

I am a Dreamy Idealist

My personality type: the dreamy idealist
Click on that pretty little button above to learn about my Dreamy Idealist personality.  It truly describes me at the core of my being.
Take this 4 question test, and comment to let me know what your personality type is!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

No List Needed

Thankfully I did not need my list because Tropical Storm Fay did not turn into a hurricane.  I live on an island, and a category 1 hurricane (which is the lowest grade) is cause for evacuation.  
I am also thankful that I got 2.5 paid days off from work.  Yes, I'm happy for the time off, but I am even happier that I work for a company that values the safety of their employees.  I am, however, very ready to get out of the house.  I've been here since noon on Wednesday because of the wind...I drive a square car, and needless to say it doesn't take gusts of wind well; especially when driving over bridges.
On top of cabin fever, my right eye keeps twitching.  Anyone know what that means?  Do I want to know what that means?
All ideas to fight off boredom are welcome.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Planning for Fay

If you watch or read the news then you know that Tropical Storm Fay is hovering over Florida.  What you may not know is that it is projected to exit into the Atlantic and then swing back around and make landfall again in St. Augustine, FL, but at hurricane strength.  I live on an island in St. Augustine!  In the event that the hurricane forecasters are correct, we are making preparations for evacuation.  Obviously, we cannot stay on the island if a hurricane is coming.   So, I am writing a list of the things I would need to pack up in my car and take with me.
Here's my list:
Clothes for several days
Pillows and blankets
Important files
Cell phone and charger
Camera and charger
My Utmost for His Highest
Food Supplies
Camp Lights
Flash Lights
Candles & matches
and some other personal items that ya'll don't need to know about! ;o)
Am I forgetting anything?
What's on your list? 

Monday, August 18, 2008

4-day Weekend Wrap-up

I am at the end of my 4 day weekend, and I am NOT looking forward to being chained to my desk again tomorrow!  I love my job, but I love weekends more ;o)
It has been an awesome 4 days.  Although, not as restful as I would have liked it to be.  Here's the weekend wrap-up:
Shopping with mom
Found a cocktail dress for NYC
Registered for Pure Life conference
Took my nephew to the park and library (highlight by far!)
Lead life group at church
Found out the new life group leaders are taking over next week! (yay!)
Worked (at my church in the nursery)
Napped and finished a great book
Slept in
Spent a long time in a craft shop (heaven!)
Went to a dinner for the children's worship volunteers
Caught up with friends

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Best. Dream. Ever.

Last night I dreamed I was leading worship and speaking at a conference.  It was an intense time of worship and the presence of God was thick in that place.  I don't remember where the dream took place, but it was a big venue.  I even woke up singing worship songs.  How awesome is that?!  Wish I could have dreams like that every night! :o)

Friday, August 15, 2008

He is enough

Today I was listening to the new Hillsong album, This is our God, and had a deeper revelation that I have a reason to worship God no matter life circumstances. It is a simple reason, and I felt kinda dumb for not really getting it before now. The reason is that He is God, will always be God, and will never change. Duh!
"All of my life/ in every season/ You are still God/ I have a reason to sing/ I have a reason to worship." Desert Song, This is Our God, Hillsong
I couldn't tell you how many times I listened to it, but it was many. This song resonates deep within and will probably be an anthem for my life. We all will walk through the desert, be put in the fire, fight a battle and reap a harvest. However, the one thing that remains constant through all seasons of life is that God is still God, and that alone is reason enough to worship. No matter all the crazy stuff that has and will happen in life, God is still God and that should be enough for me to continue to worship.
If you read my 'It's not mine anymore...' post, then you know that my recent prayers have been for sanctification. More specifically, that God would show me how to "draw from Jesus the very holiness that was exhibited in Him, and that He now exhibits in me" , and to live it in the practicalities and details of life, not just in the major decisions. Choosing to align the nuances of my life with God is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, but with this new revelation, depth has been added to my perspective of sanctification. It has allowed me to see that even when life disappoints (and it will), I can worship God with full confidence that He will never disappoint. He is ALWAYS God. It seems so simple, and I think I have always known this on some level, but today it went much deeper into my mind and soul.
This struggle for sanctification is a battle I am happy to fight now rather than later on in life. I hope that this battle will make a way for future generations to have a more intimate relationship with God than I may ever know.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Girls Weekend!

In six weeks from today I will be on my way to NYC for five days of fun with some of my best friends! I can't wait to see their faces and to do some major shopping. I've been there before, and I do not feel obligated in any way to do the touristy thing. Although, I would like to see a show, but I don't know if that will happen on this trip. Tomorrow I will start shopping for my trip up there. Yes, I know it's silly to shop for a trip that I plan to do a lot of shopping on, but looking good while shopping is part of the fun! Hopefully, at this point, you are not deeming me a shallow girl whose only concern is looking good and buying clothes. You just need to understand I live in a small town with hardly any good shopping! The south is a vacuum for all things stylish. OK, so that's a bit of an over statement, but seriously, if you know where I live than you will understand. To paint a better picture, for all my Tallahassee friends, I was excited to shop in your city because it's so bad in my city! Speaking of trips...anyone want to go on a cruise in the summer of 2009?? It could be fun bringing different groups of friends together for a weekend in the tropics! Let me know. -A

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It’s not mine anymore...

Stephanie, does your church sing Hillsong worship songs?” Alison said. “I think so...” she replied. “Stephanie...did you notice I just used the word your in reference to your church?” “Yeah...that’s weird.” That was just a small snippet of my conversation with Stephanie as we got ready for church last Sunday. You see, from August 2001 to April 2007, her church was my church. My biblical foundations were laid in that church, I met my best friends at that church, I worked for that church, and my heart was broken and then healed again in that church. Now it’s not mine anymore. When I moved away from that city in April 2007, I knew very clearly God was bringing me to my new city for a specific purpose and season. I quickly found a local church and fell in love with it! For awhile, I felt like I was a part of 2 church families; my old church as the church of my heart and my new church as the Church of my present. Slowly, so slowly in fact that I didn’t even know it happened, the church of my present has also become the church of my heart. Last weekend the full-revelation of that transition really set in when I was visiting Stephanie for her birthday. We spent the weekend visiting with friends, shopping, going to a game night at her co-worker’s house, and going to a service at her (my former) church. I had a lot of fun, but my favorite part of the weekend was the discussions we had about life, God, and everything in between. Through the weekend the reality set-in that the city wasn’t mine anymore, and I was OK with that! In fact, I was more than OK. I could finally look back with a full heart and mind of all the wonderful things that God gave me through that time in my life. Unfortunately, there was a period of time where all I saw were the hurts and frustrations, and I wasn’t afraid to share it with others. Maybe I’ll just chalk it up to self-preservation and defense mechanisms so it wouldn’t hurt so badly when I actually left. God is faithful to convict and give us the opportunity to be forgiven and to forgive. Thank you, God, for giving me the Holy Spirit to impart in me the strength I lack to do what is right. 43"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 44Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thorn bushes, or grapes from briers. 45The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.” Luke 6:43-46 Jesus clearly says in Luke 6 that what we speak is out of the overflow of our heart. In other words, what I store in my heart will eventually spill from my lips. Scary, huh? My recent prayers have been for God to show me how to walk in His sanctification, and I think the fruit of that prayer is starting to grow. Isn’t it encouraging when God shows us the answer to our prayers? I still have a long way to go, but these words of Oswald Chambers urge me to keep moving forward: “Sanctification means the impartation of the holy qualities of Jesus Christ to me. It is the gift of His patience, love, holiness, faith, purity, and godliness that is exhibited in and through every sanctified soul. Sanctification is not drawing from Jesus the power to be holy— it is drawing from Jesus the very holiness that was exhibited in Him, and that He now exhibits in me. Sanctification is an impartation, not an imitation.” Thank you, God for the peace, forgiveness and grace to walk the path you set before me. Click here to read the rest of his devotional of sanctification in Jesus life, and click here to read his devotion of sanctification in Jesus’ death.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Dad's on YouTube!

Last weekend my Uncle Woody and Cousin Ben flew down to Florida to go Tarpon Fishing with Dad!  Fortunately they captured their big catches on film.  They caught 5 tarpons, with the biggest one weighing in at 120 lbs and 80 inches long.  Go Dad!
Here's my dad's catch...
and here's Ben's catch...notice my dad, uncle and cousin all have the same laugh!
I love my family! 

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Hi, friends! I want to encourage you to go to Katie Hess' blog and read the discussion going on about singleness. I definitely threw my 2 cents in... -A

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In no particular order

I am currently addicted to: Italian Sweet Cream coffee creamer composition books Google Reader Twitter Shelby's EP Camp Rock sound track (yeah, i know it's cheese-tastic) my library Sam's Choice flavored sparkling water (it's only $.58 @ Walmart for 1L!) Sally Hansen's Nail Color Pens dresses from Ross Dress for Less My Toaster What are your addictions?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Spiritual Abuse

Crystal over at has written an insightful blog about spiritual abuse, and gives a link to a great resource. If you, or someone you know, is going through spiritual abuse, I would love to pray with and for you! Just click on the 'email me' link to the right. Crystal is also available and gives her contact info on her site. -A

Saturday, June 21, 2008


After 4 years of being a brunette, I'm finally going back to blonde. Yay!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Buy My Books! Please?

So, in an effort to not hoard my beloved books, I have made a decision to start selling some of them. Fortunately, makes it super easy, and I now have a store on their site. For those of you who live a Dave Ramsey lifestyle, you will appreciate my store name"MyDREF". Can you guess what the DREF stands for? That's right, Dave Ramsey Emergency Fund! Go visit my store by clicking this link: mydref I'll be adding more books in the near, check back often!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

2nd Blog

Check out my 2nd blog venture Crowding the Nest! It's a place the boomerang generation to sound off and commune together. It's even for those curious onlookers and parents of boomerang kids. Can't wait to hear your feedback... ps if you can do graphic designing for free or cheap, let me know!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Fun Father's Day

Last weekend I spent for days on the Gulf coast of Florida visiting my Dad and a few friends along the way. I cannot sing my Dad's praises enough, but my favorite of his characteristics are his kindness, generosity, and work ethic. He always encourages me to go further and set more challenging goals. Needless to say, I love him very much. We may have had a few rough patches, but these past 3 years have been an absolute amazing time of growth and strengthening in our relationship.

I love you, Daddy!

I also spent time with women I have known since pre-school. These days, that's a long time to maintain a friendship! No matter how many weeks or months have passed between calls and visits, we always pick up as if no time has passed at all. These are women with whom I can cut through the pretense and just be myself.

I have posted pictures of my weekend over on facebook. So, if we aren't facebook friends, request my friendship!

In the meantime, here is one picture for each day of my trip:

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Monday, June 2, 2008

He needs a name...

Any ideas?


Yes, I just created a new word....yummylicious. My dinner was so good tonight that it was yummylicious!

Warning: extreme use of vegetables ahead. If you do not like veggies, you may as well scroll to the bottom of this post for the non-veggie content.

At the beginning of last week I made brief mention to the different meals Stephanie and I cooked over Memorial Day weekend. However, one meal deserves to be mentioned again. Mainly because I made it again tonight! ;o)

Chicken Fajita Tostadas, all credit goes to Martha Stewart Living with a few modifications from me.

Serves 4

  • 1 medium or large vidalia onion (depending on taste), thinly sliced
  • 2 bell peppers (ribs and seeds removed), thinly sliced
  • 1 box (10 ounces) frozen corn kernels
  • 1 cup prepared fresh salsa
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Coarse salt and ground pepper
  • 2 cups shredded cooked chicken breast
    • For a shortcut, buy a rotisserie chicken from your local deli and shred the white meat. I prefer the Mojo flavor at Publix.
  • 4 corn tortillas (6-inch)
  • 1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar....I always use more though
  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Line a rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil. On foil, combine onions, bell peppers, corn, 1/4 cup salsa (might need more depending on the amount of food you end up with), and 1 tablespoon oil; season with salt and pepper.
  2. Roast, tossing occasionally, until vegetables are tender and lightly browned, 15 to 20 minutes. Add chicken, stir to combine, and continue to roast until warmed through, 5 minutes more. Transfer chicken and vegetable mixture to a serving bowl, discarding foil (reserve sheet).
  3. Arrange tortillas on sheet. Dividing evenly, top with cheese. Bake until edges are golden and cheese is melted, 5 to 8 minutes. (original recipe tells you to brush the torillas with EEOV, but there's enough oil in the cheese). SHORTCUT: put the cheese covered tortillas in the oven for the last 5-8 minutes of the vegetable roasting. Nothing will go cold with this method.
  4. Dividing evenly, top tortillas with chicken-vegetable mixture, remaining 3/4 cup salsa, and sprinkle with cheese.
  5. Serve Right Away
And one last thing....this is what God gave me on my way home tonight...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Saturday, May 31, 2008


Yesterday I took a day trip to Orlando, and it was gas money well spent! I got to see 3 of my favorite people in the whole world and spend the afternoon just hanging out. Jen, Susan and Tricia all played major roles in my life during college. These days it is very rare to see all 3 of them at once. Especially now that we all live in different cities.

So, to say the least, I was VERY happy to see them!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weekend Recap

Last Friday afternoon brought the annual visit of Stephanie! Every Memorial Day weekend since 2003 Stephanie has come to St. Augustine for the holiday, and we always have a blast! This year was no exception!

We cooked Chicken-Fajita Tostadas, Chewy Oatmeal Blondies, and Strawberry Scones. We spent Saturday by laying out by the pool, shopping, playing scrabble and watching 27 Dresses and Juno. Then on Sunday we spent way too many hours at Anastasia State Park, but it was fun!

We also did some more shopping! The highlight of the weekend activities was dinner with my mom at the oh so fancy 95 Cordova in the Casa Monica Hotel. We clean up well, don't we?!

Also, I have some parking skills....look how close I got without touching!

One last thing, did you know that using liquid Milk of Magnesia on your face a few times a week will give you awesome skin? I sure enough didn't know that! Stephanie insisted it's true, AND that it keeps your skin from getting oily during the day. So, I had to try it......she was telling the truth! The only warning is to not use it too often because it can dry our your skin. There's your skin tip of the month!

Hope you had an awesome Memorial day too!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend!

It seems that Memorial Day weekend has turned into remembering how precious my friendship with Stephanie is to me!  Every Memorial Day weekend for the past 4 years, Stephanie has come to visit me, and we always have tons of seen here!
Pictures and posts to come as the action happens! :o)

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Bad Men...

My nephew, Alexander is 4 years old and in January he started attending the pre-school at my church. On Friday morning, my mom drove Alex to school and had a very surprising conversation. Nana - "Alexander, do you know that your Nana loves you very very much?" Alex - "Yes, and God loves me too, but the bad men put him on the cross and put nails in his hands!" Nana - "Yes they did, and He died so we can live." Alex - "Yes, He did." For my nephew, a Christian education has proved to be priceless. He is learning, at the age of 4, what unfortunately, most people wont learn until much later in life. Praise God for hearing and answering my and my mom's prayers!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lighten Up

Friends, I have been a brunette for almost 4 years, and have decided to go back to blonde. Unfortunately, that will take quite some is the beginning stages of the process!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Just one more time

A true story that needs some prayer:
Twelve years ago, a cute elderly couple said, 'I do'.  After years of the widowed life, God brought them together to spend their remaining days together.  Unfortunately, his children were not accepting of her.  Which is sadly the case with many step-children, and her existence was not acknowledged.  At least, not with kindness and love, but the couple's love grew.
As it is with the passing of time, their bodies began to fail them, and health issues have grown.  He has had several stints in his heart, but this time there is nothing more they can do.  His son is an MD, and whenever a heart issue has happened, he visited his son in Orlando.  This time his son said his Dad needs to move in with him, but there is no room for her.  She has the early onsets of Alzheimer's and will move in with her granddaughter.  So, at the age of 83, health and family are splitting this couple apart.  
Today was their last day at the Super Senior's Luncheon at church.  They had to say goodbye to their friends of 20+ years, and to each other.  My pastor walked them to the parking lot, and little did anyone know, the couple would be saying their final goodbye in the parking lot. Pastor Ron begged him to let them drive him to his son's, but he refused.  As Pastor Ron and his wife turned to walk back into the church, they over heard the couples last goodbye.  She said, 'Can we say goodbye just one more time?'
Pastor and his wife could not bear to hear the rest of the goodbye and his wife was barely holding it together at the thought of her friends having to say goodbye.  They hurried in to the church to give the couple some privacy.  A husband and wife, saying goodbye and possibly for the last time.
Please pray for God's peace to prevail as both draw near to the end of their earthly existence to pass on to the Glory of God's presence.

Friday, April 18, 2008

On Several Topics

For those that know the meaning: I met #2 last week...I definitely met #2. In other topics, this weekend involves: Pride and Prejudice (BBC version) watching Alex Parks Carousel Bearded Dragon babysitting Beginning the return to my roots...follicle roots Leading Life Group (topic yet to be determined) Engaging a group of young 2 year old children for 3 hours Book mark making Laundry Grocery shopping It's gonna be a busy one, folks.
I've also discovered my new favorite coffee drink recipe: In this order: 1/2 glass ice 1/2 glass milk 2 sweet-n-lows (or whatever you prefer) 1/2 glass coffee So yummy!
And, finally, it seems that a lot of people are in search of "wonder and awe in God's presence". According to, many people from around the world have found my blog through a Google search of that phrase.  My blog is #3 on the results list of that Google search! Next post...Planning for the future with a forward focused mentality.

Friday, April 11, 2008

If I Were an Artist

There have been several points in my life that I have had the distinct desire to be an artist. I envy people that can actually express and share with the world the images they see in their imagination. I am artistic and creative, but I cannot draw or paint. That frustrates me to no end. Yes, I could take a drawing 1 course. However, it is not a natural gift and I would remain a frustrated artist. If I were an artist I would... ...draw prayer time images in coal. ...paint images from night-dreams in oil and day-dreams in acrylic. ...draw deep revelations in ink. ...paint hopes and desires in water colors. If I were an artist, I would bind all of my pages as a timeline of my walk with God. With words in place of images and pens in place of brushes, I will craft my story and bind my pages still.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


messages heard = 3
hours spent in the car = 4
women gathered together = 14,500
revelation from God @ Beth Moore live conference = PRICELESS

I had the privilege to see Beth Moore live on Friday night and this morning. I got to go at the last minute when a friend had extra tickets and offered me one (for free).

I am still thinking about all that she said and all that God spoke to me through her. So, for now, a picture will have to suffice until I have the words to express what happened this weekend.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Greatest Commandment

Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22: 34-40
In the last week I have devoted much time to thinking about the development of character. More specifically, the character I want to be known for among my colleagues and peers. What I have discovered is a desire to be known as a person that has no unkind word to speak to or about anyone. I imagine this is something many people aspire to, but not many attain. Perhaps this is a result of the ease and familiarity gossip and the old saying that 'misery loves company'. What then should I do when I'm upset with people? The men and women in the Bible first went to God, and then, if need be, spoke directly to the people causing the frustration. It's easier to talk to my friends about the people or situations that have upset me, but it is not right to gather people against one another. Jesus clearly states in Matthew 22:34-40 that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord God with all my heart, soul and mind. Believe me, I have not fully attained that, but am working on it. The second greatest commandment is to love my neighbor as myself. In light of the greatest commandment, the second commandment should easily flow out of it. Here's the kicker, people who don't love themselves in light of God's love, cannot love another person well. How am I loving someone by gathering people to see the bad in that person/situation? I'm not. So, how do I begin to build character? First, by loving God fully with my heart, soul and mind. Through that I will learn better how to love people how God loves people, and I will then be able to love my neighbor as myself. It will be a moment by moment choice to speak only encouraging words...God help me.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

W/ Absolute Purity

Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity. 1 Timothy 5:1-3
Recently, I was talking to a couple guy friends about male/female interaction and how our Christianity and relationship with God should alter those interactions. It was an open and candid conversation about frustrations, ideals, hopes, hurts and confusion. Without going into too much detail, both men and women have dropped the ball in friendship. How do we pick it back up? By treating each other in absolute purity. Purity of heart, purity of mind, and purity of intentions. This is even true for dating relationships. If we treat each other in the same manner that Christ treats us and filter every action and word through purity, then I think we will find much healthier guy/girl relationships. That short conversation made me examine my motives and actions in relating to men, and I found that I could make some adjustments. Hmm...still thinking, actually.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Promised Pictures

I spent this morning with my adorable nephew, Alex!

We went to the library, and practiced counting and addingNext, we were off to the park!

Beautiful boy on the jungle gym

so handsome...

He insisted on wearing his shoes on the wrong feet...4 year olds lol

I was taking so many pictures of him, that he wanted to take one of me!

Alex & Auntie Alison

He should be a child model...


We couldn't leave without a turn on the carousel!
Alex and Auntie dates are about to become a regular fixture in my life...I LOVE that!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Tomorrow will consist of...
The Toaster
Playground fortresses
Pictures to come.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


The GRE appears to be a lot tougher than I first imagined. I took the diagnostic quiz to find out which areas I need to focus on, and lets just say that every area will be receiving mass amounts of my attention! Algebra and geometry are much more difficult after several years of no use in my daily, weekly or monthly life. Oh, and analogies...riiiiight. Pointers? Anyone?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Caroline Grace

Caroline Grace Bell has finally arrived, and I am very excited for my friends Clayton and Kelly Bell! After many years of hope and prayer mixed with disappointment, their little girl was born, and will have impact on our earth like no other before her. Check out Clayton's website for pictures and details! I love you Bells!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lesson of the Day

Always make sure you have your house key BEFORE you close the front door behind you.

Monday, March 3, 2008


To my 4 year old nephew I'm 'Auntie Alison', and that is the best name I have ever been given.

I need to not waste my time and spend more of it with him while we live in the same city.

One of my hearts desires is to know him and for him to really know his Auntie Alison.


Last string cut,
last knot untied.
This evening I experienced a heavy load lifted from my shoulders.  The last string, that officially tied me to a past life, was cut.  It is a life I've been trying to shake the remnants of for a while, and now I am free.  FREE!
I am grateful for all that life provided for me now, but I am thankful to start anew again.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

I love my friends...

I FINALLY got to see my beautiful friend Michele on Saturday! Let me tell you about Michele. She is one of the most loyal, real and down to earth people I know. You can always count on Michele telling you the truth about yourself too....that's one of my favorite character traits.

Check out her blog at

Monday, February 18, 2008

Looking Back...

"In the Garden of Gethsemane, the disciples went to sleep when they should have stayed awake, and once they realized what they had done it produced despair. The sense of having done something irreversible tends to make us despair. We say, "Well, it’s all over and ruined now; what’s the point in trying anymore." If we think this kind of despair is an exception, we are mistaken. It is a very ordinary human experience. Whenever we realize we have not taken advantage of a magnificent opportunity, we are apt to sink into despair. But Jesus comes and lovingly says to us, in essence, "Sleep on now. That opportunity is lost forever and you can’t change that. But get up, and let’s go on to the next thing." In other words, let the past sleep, but let it sleep in the sweet embrace of Christ, and let us go on into the invincible future with Him." My Utmost For His Highest, February 18. As you know by past blogs, I'm a daily reader of My Utmost For His Highest devotional. It never ceases to amaze me how God draws me to the right devotional for the right season. Today's devotional hit home for many reasons, and I hope you click on one of the links to read todays whole devotional. Lately, I have spent a lot of time wishing I had done some things differently. Even blaming my past decisions for my present situation. Yes, my past has shaped my present. However, being angry with a past I cannot change produces nothing worthwhile in my life. I know I cannot continue to blame a whole group for my distrust or loss of 6 years of my life. Good things, good friendships, were brought by that time. Somehow, I still grieve that time I lost not knowing my family because they weren't 'godly enough' to have an opinion on my life. People who knew me for a short time carried more weight in my life than my own parents. I don't say all of this to drudge up old wounds. I say it because I know I don't want to carry it anymore. I laid you in a bitter bed. Naming you unrest and giving you distrust for a best friend; I cherished the spite we shared. With tears wept for loss, shame, regret, I picked you up, and left you in the Sweet hands of hope. I did not know I was bound by your chains... until I truly forgave you. The load lifted high, I can love you for the things you didn't tear apart. Passion, excellence, purity...a Gospel foundation. You still exist, but not in the same form. You are once again so foreign... as the day we met. Until we meet again, I wish you love and peace and light. All the things you struggled to give to me, I give freely to you. With the past laid to rest, I finally see the hope, of a Future.

Friday, February 15, 2008

I L-O-V-E! If you are someone that appreciates handmade goods, then this is the website for you. Not only can you buy handmade, but you can also sell your handmade items. I plan on selling my jewelry there...after I carve out time to make some!

My favorite seller is Amanda Fenniak from Calgary, Canada. You can visit her shop by clicking ---------> HERE! She makes some stellar crocheted items and sells them at a VERY reasonable price.

In fact, this is what I bought from her:

This little cozy is for my new phone...

and this little cozy is for my water bottle...not a beer bottle lol.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Now that I have recovered and reposted the blogs I lost, I can move on to NEW blogs! Folks, please, please, please back-up your blogs. Recovering and reposting is not an easy task.