Wednesday, August 27, 2008

NYC Must Sees...a blog of lists

I've started making a list of all the the things I want to do when I visit NYC. The trick is to not go broke in the process! Amy and I have been trying to brain storm ways to save money. This is what we've come up with:
  • Stay with friends & family: i.e. Shelby
  • Eat breakfast before we leave for the day @ Shelby's
  • Bring a lunch for most of the days we are in the city
  • Cook at least one dinner in
  • Find free stuff to do in the city
My other friend, Jessica, emailed me these awesome links of stuff to do for free or not much money:
I also have some must sees and dos:
  • Going for a ride on the Staten Island Ferry to catch a glimpse of Lady Liberty and the new man-made waterfall under the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • Participating in some serious shopping (I've been saving for that!) at H&M and some other shops. Hopefully, my friends are up for it!
  • Walking around Central Park and maybe taking a book to lay on the grass and read.
  • Going back to Times Square at night to take some pictures with my friends.
  • Eat some fabulous Thai food
  • Meet and hang out with Shelby's NYC friends
  • Visit Kayla...NYC's newest Tallahassee transfer
  • Hopefully see the Bouch family!
Do you have any NYC must sees/dos or ways to save?


  1. thanks for doing all the planning for me, seriously! looks like a perfect list to me! Oh, and add a b-day event in there somewhere for my bro & his lady. :) I can't wait!! Oh, and no mention of Pure life- haha... we are still gonna do that, right? lol

  2. My favorite thing that Clayton and I did last time we were in NYC was hang out a central park. We brought books, walked around, "people-watched". It was great and relaxing, and the weather was perfect!

  3. Good stuff. Don't forget getting lost in the subway/going the wrong way. That's always a fun little thing to do that should be a requirement.

    Also, you must visit Mecca (the 5th Ave Apple Store) when you go shopping. I'm sure you were planning on that though. :)

    Check out for research recommendations. I don't know if you consider the stuff listed there as too touristy, but it's worth looking.

    If you're into tv shows like Conan O Brien or the Daily Show, you chould see if they're filming and go be a part of the studio audience.
