Monday, August 18, 2008

4-day Weekend Wrap-up

I am at the end of my 4 day weekend, and I am NOT looking forward to being chained to my desk again tomorrow!  I love my job, but I love weekends more ;o)
It has been an awesome 4 days.  Although, not as restful as I would have liked it to be.  Here's the weekend wrap-up:
Shopping with mom
Found a cocktail dress for NYC
Registered for Pure Life conference
Took my nephew to the park and library (highlight by far!)
Lead life group at church
Found out the new life group leaders are taking over next week! (yay!)
Worked (at my church in the nursery)
Napped and finished a great book
Slept in
Spent a long time in a craft shop (heaven!)
Went to a dinner for the children's worship volunteers
Caught up with friends

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