Yes, the rumors and twitters are true. I, Alison Hunt, have become a vegetarian.
I cannot in good conscience eat meat from abused animals.
You may or may not know that most of the animals that are slaughtered for food are raised on factory farms. Factory farms are places that breed animals for food. They keep animals in cages slightly bigger than their bodies, medical needs go untreated, they are injected with growth you want me to keep going? I could, you know.
I do understand that not EVERY farm treats their animals, but how can I guarantee that the meat I buy at Publix is not from one of these farms? I cant. Not even organic meat is guaranteed to be "factory farm free".
[side note: my friend Angela grew up on a farm that had their own cattle slaughtered for food for the whole family. I would DEFINITELY eat meat from her farm! Their animals are treated as God intended them to be treated and they aren't injected with all sorts of unknown chemicals.]
I've known for a long time how animals are treated on these farms, and happily kept eating meat on a regular basis. A few weeks ago that all changed though. Out of nowhere (well, from God) I started feeling conviction about eating meat! This was more of a shock to me than how the animals are treated.
I started praying and asking God to show me why I should be convicted about eating meat because at this point I had not connected it to the factory farms. I also began researching vegetarian diet needs, and saw some pictures of factory farm animals. Then God hit me like a ton of bricks and basically told me "I never intended for the animals to be treated that way. Not even food animals."
To be honest, I didn't stop eating meat right away. I had to sit on that word for a time, I read Genesis, thought about how shepherds took care of their flocks throughout the Bible, and prayed some more. As the days wore on, I began feeling nauseous just looking at meat, both cooked and uncooked. I knew I had to make a decision and be obedient to what God was asking of me.
So, I gave up meat as a faith based decision. I didn't go veggie because it fashionable, or because I value animals higher than humans, or just to lose weight. I went veggie because eating meat crosses my conscience, and I'm responsible before God for the decisions I make.
One thing I am committed to is to not go on a "Veggie Crusade" to convert all my friends. However, I will freely talk about all of the reasons I based this decision on, and what people do with that information is up to them.
I am very fortunate to have several vegetarians in my life. They are helping me, along with my own research, to know what to eat to get all of the nutrients I need, and how to safely transition. Don't worry, I'm not going vegan.....that's too extreme.
If you want to know anymore about my decision to go veggie, please feel free to contact me!
Congratulations! I only wish God will tell more people that eating meat is wrong. I wouldn't disregard veganism as extreme though.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with everything you just said! But my laziness takes over regarding meals for my toddlers and sometimes chicken nuggets or hamburger helper wins out.
ReplyDeleteAH- What about mean from co-ops? Isn't that free-range?
ReplyDeleteBTW, and I'm being serious not sarcastic, what's an acceptable way to kill animals? I would admit that most are treated way gruesome now, but just wonder if there are good ways...
@clayton Meat from co-ops would probably be ok, but I would need some verification on how the animals were treated. Also, free-range doesn't always mean that the animals are living on an idyllic farm. Some farmer's definition of free-range is that the animals aren't kept in cages, but they are packed so tight into farmhouses that their care and condition is just as bad as all the other farms. Free-range is just a packaging lable with many different interpretations to what that means.
ReplyDeleteGreat question about the acceptable ways to kill an animal. Any way an animal is killed will be gruesome, but it's not the killing of an animal I have a problem with. I have a problem with how the animals are cared for pre-slaughter. ie, medical needs not treated, made to live in a cage the size of their bodies, injected with growth hormones etc.
off the cuff...
ReplyDelete@moses For God to tell people that eating meat was wrong would contradict his own word.
@alison Just out of curiosity, what about all those animals who are needlessly slaughtered to give you vegetables? All those icky bugs who are mercilessly destroyed with nerve gas and other toxic agents. Is the way they are treated any less valuable to God?
Oh and trust me you want medicated animals. I agree with the homrones though. Anyone reading this...
NEVER DRINK ORGANIC MILK. I grew up with cattle. Organic= no antibiotics. No antibiotics= untreated infections. Infections are carried in body fluids. Milk is a body fluid. Get the picture? Yummy.
Hormones are bad. Medicine is good.
For the record, I believe animals should be treated well, but where is the line? I've been to farms (in california) where I don't like what they do. I've been to tons more (in Florida) where cattle are taken care of very well.
Beef cattle don't sit inside farm houses al day. (Who wants to pay for that shelter) You can't get certified hormone free meat from Publix yet, but an inside source says it is coming.
When that happens, would you go back?
(I'm honestly laughing right now about how passionate I sound about beef.)
@Donny-I agree with what you have to say to Moses. God never says eating meat is wrong, and I fully believe that.
ReplyDeleteI also agree that medicating animals to treat medical conditions is OK. Part of my issue is when farms let animals go untreated. Not just infections but injuries as well.
When it comes to the where the line should be drawn on how well the animals are treated I think that it is a personal choice/conviction. My challenge to you would be to not eat the meat produced in CA if you have a problem with how the farms treat their animals. What I'm getting at is that we should be informed about what we are eating and for me that means not eating meat.
If Publix sold hormone/abuse free meat, I would probably eat it occassionaly.
Thanks for the great feedback Donny!
Alison, do what you do. I think that's great. You have your reasons and convictions, you should do as you feel GOD has led you, and while, not eating meat is like, beyond me for me personally, If I knew of a place that abused their animals and I knew where that meat was going, I would not support it either, but... I still like mah burgers.
ReplyDeleteI don't shop at Wal Mart and try not to buy things made in China. A certain Ross Middleton called me a commie for that one. :P
@portorikan Thanks for the support!
ReplyDeleteI love Donny. Its seems like a bit of a slippery slope in my mind. I think you have created a caste system for animals. What about all the bugs that get killed by farmers to protect produce? What makes a cow more important than a mosquito or a bee. Bees are one of the most important things in our ecosystem because of their pollination. I understand that you think its inhumane, I respect that, but I feel like you need to have a definition of what is humane before you can just say something else is inhumane in regards to slaughtering cows or chickens or whatever. Why is it not inhumane to release poisonous gasses into the air to kill mosquitos? God gave us dominion over animals. Should we torture them? I don't think so. But with that logic you are using I don't think you could function in our society. You can't pay your taxes cause the government gives money to Planned Parenthood which aborts babies. You can't by clothes at any store cause you have no idea what kinds of conditions their workers are working in. You can't buy stuff at this store or that store cause unfortunately they invest some of their profits into the porn industry, which by the way tons of companies do cause porn makes so much money. Where do you stop? Not trying to be a jerk, just using that logic and applying it to other areas of life. If you are convicted about it, its between you and God and don't be disobedient because of me but I think if that's the road your going to go down, you gotta think about all those other areas too.
ReplyDeleteI just think Jesus judges our individual hearts. He told to give to Caesar what was Caesars and we know the Roman government wasn't the most honest kind people in the history of the world but that didn't stop Jesus from giving money to them, even though what they were doing was a lot more inhumane than killing animals.
@Ross...I've been waiting for your response! :)
ReplyDeleteYou're right on a lot of the points you gave, and I should think about those other areas that you listed. Since I have to wear clothes and pay taxes, I dont have much control in that area at this point. Plus, I'm not trying to take on the whole world. This is the little slice I can contribute to in my life. Also, I do feel serious conviction about this change in my lifestyle, and it wasn't a decision I made lightly. If I could fix all of the injustice in the world, I would. However, at this moment all I can do is live by my convictions and trust God with this. If God convicts me to go further, I will. On the flip side...if God convicts me that I've gone too far, I'll reign it in.
I love reading the differing opinions! Thanks!
Alison, do what you need to do. I actually have had a lot of friends turn into vegetarians recently. All I know is for me I gotta have my hambuger :-)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your decision to eliminate meat (cruelty) from your diet. I used to be an "ethical vegetarian" - I drank milk and ate eggs not knowing the horrible conditions at dairies and hen factories. It really is brutal.
ReplyDeleteMy point of change came when I realized that no matter how "nice" they were to the animals while raising them... in the end - the animals faced horrible fear, terror and pain during slaughter. I don't wish to cause any deliberate harm to innocent beings...
Which speaks to the issue of the bugs/rodents accidentally killed during vegetable harvesting. It does eventally come down to degrees of intent. There's a world of difference between making animals just to suffer, and "accidentally" causing some suffering while growing real plant-based "food". One is totally avoidable the other is not...
For me and my husband - it's been a spiritual awakening as well as a healthy new lifestyle.
Good for you for making this choice... Peace.
@Bea Elliot Thanks for your comment! I would consider myself a "faith-based vegetarian" as opposed to an "ethical vegetarian". The difference being that I'm putting God above animals and not just living by a 'feeling'. I also fully believe that the act of eating meat is not sinful or unbiblical. I think where man has gone astray is in the caring for and dominion over animals. This is just my way of standing up for my beliefs, but in no way will I ever elevate animals to equality with or above humans.
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome! I was a vegan for about 2 years and then had a stressful day and caved for some orange chicken Chinese food. I wish i could go back to it, but out of laziness and business i cant put the time in to prepare and plan meals.
ReplyDeleteBut Kudos for doing it!