Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Buy My Books! Please?

So, in an effort to not hoard my beloved books, I have made a decision to start selling some of them. Fortunately, makes it super easy, and I now have a store on their site. For those of you who live a Dave Ramsey lifestyle, you will appreciate my store name"MyDREF". Can you guess what the DREF stands for? That's right, Dave Ramsey Emergency Fund! Go visit my store by clicking this link: mydref I'll be adding more books in the near, check back often!


  1. That's pretty cool. How much do they charge you to sell stuff on there?

    As compared to say, ebay?

  2. @portorikan: The commission is pretty steep, BUT it's worth it for not having to use PayPal!

  3. That's so great!! DREF!! I finished my emergency fund in April and am working on my debt snowball right now. If I eat nothing but beans and rice until December, I will have made some real progress!
