I cannot believe I forgot to post the link to my last article at Exemplify Online!
Here it is... A Family Made of Friends
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
A Treasure Trove
Since I wont be doing any Black Friday shopping, I have been scouring Etsy for some great gift ideas {for you AND for me!}. One of the best tools on that site is the Treasury, and I loved it so much that I made two treasuries of my very own:
Make sure to come back here and let me know which item is your favorite!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
{Real Life Is Better Than Fiction}
Contrary to popular belief, I currently have very little interest in reading books with a romantic storyline.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Major Announcement!
A major announcement was made over on www.exemplifyonline.com today!
Major changes, but GOOD changes. I will miss writing my monthly column, but what's coming in 2011 is so much more my heart for online ministry!
Make sure to visit Exemplify Online on facebook and leave some love for all of the writers and our editor, Kristen, as we say goodbye to the magazine portion of the website. This will also be where you can stay up to date on the developments of www.exemplifyonline.com.
Thank you for reading my columns each month over at Exemplify Online! It was an honor and a pleasure.
Major changes, but GOOD changes. I will miss writing my monthly column, but what's coming in 2011 is so much more my heart for online ministry!
Make sure to visit Exemplify Online on facebook and leave some love for all of the writers and our editor, Kristen, as we say goodbye to the magazine portion of the website. This will also be where you can stay up to date on the developments of www.exemplifyonline.com.
Thank you for reading my columns each month over at Exemplify Online! It was an honor and a pleasure.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Art of Discretion
The Art of Discretion
Lately I've been learning the art if discretion, and trying to find the balance between my personal and public/online life. It is one of the main reasons my blogging has been inconsistent, at best, over the years.
Discretion is the combination of discernment and wisdom...
The book of Proverbs in the Bible has so much to say about wisdom and discernment. Over and over it says to not let the words of wisdom depart from your sight, tie them around your neck, wear them as an adornment, and to keep them in the midst of your heart. {See Proverbs 3-5}
Discernment and wisdom are two of things I pray for the most. They are also the two things I am continually tested on...makes sense though, right? How will I know how much I've learned unless I've been tested?
How Much Is Too Much?
I love to use social media like twitter and facebook, but how much is too much information to put out there for all the world to access? At what point do life's details become cheapened when they are put in a status update for hundreds of people to see at the same time? What does it say to my friends about how I value them when they have to find out major life's details online and not from a personal contact?
These questions are not just limited to social media. They can be applied "real life" (aka, not my online life). For example, does everyone at church or work really need to know where I was last weekend or the details of my relationship? Probably not. Do my family and close friends get more details of my life? Most definitely! Accountability is a good part of life. It helps keep me from crossing over into the darkness of life.
It's Not Just About Me {re: selfishness is never a good look}
I tend to tell just about anything to anyone who asks because I get so excited about what is going on and what God is doing. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's not just about me anymore. It never really has been, but even more so now that I have a boyfriend, I need to learn how to share without over-sharing. He has been the major catalyst for growing in discretion. There's something to be said for allowing myself to treasure the details and learning the right way to express my life. Journal = details; blog = broad strokes; facebook/twitter = random updates & a means for communication with friends.
More Questions Than Answers
The goal I am trying to accomplish is to honor all of my relationships by considering how they would feel about being a part of my online story sharing. Have you ever stopped to think about that before now? I sure haven't.
How do you remain honest with your life on your blog without over-sharing? Do you set boundaries about what is OK to write about? Do you talk with the people in your life about their privacy standards?
I do know that there are people on all sides of this issue and that I have very few answers to my questions. So, while I'm trying to figure this out for myself, feel free to comment with advice, wisdom and answers!
Lately I've been learning the art if discretion, and trying to find the balance between my personal and public/online life. It is one of the main reasons my blogging has been inconsistent, at best, over the years.
Discretion is the combination of discernment and wisdom...
The book of Proverbs in the Bible has so much to say about wisdom and discernment. Over and over it says to not let the words of wisdom depart from your sight, tie them around your neck, wear them as an adornment, and to keep them in the midst of your heart. {See Proverbs 3-5}
Discernment and wisdom are two of things I pray for the most. They are also the two things I am continually tested on...makes sense though, right? How will I know how much I've learned unless I've been tested?
How Much Is Too Much?
I love to use social media like twitter and facebook, but how much is too much information to put out there for all the world to access? At what point do life's details become cheapened when they are put in a status update for hundreds of people to see at the same time? What does it say to my friends about how I value them when they have to find out major life's details online and not from a personal contact?
These questions are not just limited to social media. They can be applied "real life" (aka, not my online life). For example, does everyone at church or work really need to know where I was last weekend or the details of my relationship? Probably not. Do my family and close friends get more details of my life? Most definitely! Accountability is a good part of life. It helps keep me from crossing over into the darkness of life.
It's Not Just About Me {re: selfishness is never a good look}
I tend to tell just about anything to anyone who asks because I get so excited about what is going on and what God is doing. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's not just about me anymore. It never really has been, but even more so now that I have a boyfriend, I need to learn how to share without over-sharing. He has been the major catalyst for growing in discretion. There's something to be said for allowing myself to treasure the details and learning the right way to express my life. Journal = details; blog = broad strokes; facebook/twitter = random updates & a means for communication with friends.
More Questions Than Answers
The goal I am trying to accomplish is to honor all of my relationships by considering how they would feel about being a part of my online story sharing. Have you ever stopped to think about that before now? I sure haven't.
How do you remain honest with your life on your blog without over-sharing? Do you set boundaries about what is OK to write about? Do you talk with the people in your life about their privacy standards?
I do know that there are people on all sides of this issue and that I have very few answers to my questions. So, while I'm trying to figure this out for myself, feel free to comment with advice, wisdom and answers!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
In the Meantime @ Exemplify Magazine
The October issue of www.exemplifyonline.com has just gone live today, and I could not be more excited for you to head on over to read it! This month's theme is Harvest, and each writer hits it at a different angle. There is always a harvest to look forward to. Whether it's about to ripen or is years yet to come...we can hold on to the hope that Jesus is our ultimate reward.
One thing I have loved so much about writing for Exemplify Magazine is that I write my column 2 months in advance of it's release. So when it goes live, I like to look back to see where I was when I wrote it, and where I am now as I read it again. So fun!
Thank you for clicking over to www.exemplifyonline.com to read the October issue! Look for my article "In the Meantime" among the pages of this month's magazine! {scroll down the homepage for the magazine}
One thing I have loved so much about writing for Exemplify Magazine is that I write my column 2 months in advance of it's release. So when it goes live, I like to look back to see where I was when I wrote it, and where I am now as I read it again. So fun!
Thank you for clicking over to www.exemplifyonline.com to read the October issue! Look for my article "In the Meantime" among the pages of this month's magazine! {scroll down the homepage for the magazine}
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Writing Music
No...I'm not writing music, but I wrote something and found the music download jackpot.
First things first, the writing. The September issue of Exemplify Magazine is live! The whole issue is beautiful, as usual, and you can find me beginning on page 42. This month I write about being an introvert and making friends.
Now the music! I've always been a fan of the Relevant magazine podcast, but for no good reason at all I haven't downloaded it in a super long time. What I love the most is the artist interviews and the live sets they did in the Relevant studio. Last night I found that all of those live recordings are available for FREE download on http://www.relevantmagazine.com/media/relevant-podcast/music-download. It is full of music artists you know and love, and a lot more you have never heard but NEED in your life. Trust me and you're welcome.
First things first, the writing. The September issue of Exemplify Magazine is live! The whole issue is beautiful, as usual, and you can find me beginning on page 42. This month I write about being an introvert and making friends.
Now the music! I've always been a fan of the Relevant magazine podcast, but for no good reason at all I haven't downloaded it in a super long time. What I love the most is the artist interviews and the live sets they did in the Relevant studio. Last night I found that all of those live recordings are available for FREE download on http://www.relevantmagazine.com/media/relevant-podcast/music-download. It is full of music artists you know and love, and a lot more you have never heard but NEED in your life. Trust me and you're welcome.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
#4 Refreshed
Being spiritually refreshed, and engaged in my relationship with God, has vastly improved my other relationships. Seriously.
a) Puts me in an awesome mood
b) It gives me a good perspective on what/who is important
c) I understand that my security does not come from what people think about me, but from what I know God thinks about me. (takes the pressure off the people in my life)
Monday, August 23, 2010
#3 Can I get your number, Bon Qui Qui?
If Mad TV was still on air, they would have hit a comedy goldmine by introducing Darell of "Can I get your number?" to Bon Qui Qui.
I'm just sayin'.
I'm just sayin'.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Caffeinated Randomness: Complete the Sentence
One of my favorite bloggers and magazine mates, Andrea @ Under Grace and Over Coffee, has a fun link-up every Friday. Caffeinated Randomness {CR} explains my life right about now....I'm almost always caffeinated and always always random.
This week I'm reaching back to one of Andrea's CR posts that I absolutely love: Complete the Sentence
Maybe I should organize my home desk....my piles are taking over the work space.
I love my nephew and niece! {and blueberry pie yogurt}
People would say that I'm quiet, but funny. It's us quiet ones you have to watch out for.
I don't understand football. I need lessons. I'm serious.
When I wake up in the morning I hit the snooze at least once before I actually get out of bed and then turn on the news so I don't fall back asleep.
I lost the state spelling bee in 1st grade. I didn't go very many rounds, but it was very cool to be there.
Life is full of unexpected surprises {the good kind that change your course}
My past is full of teachable moments.
I get annoyed when people go slower than the speed limit. I'm a woman on the go, people! ;)
Parties are usually fun....especially when I know a lot of people there.
I wish I had more courage.
Tomorrow I am lounging by the pool. Weather permitting.
I have low tolerance for passive aggressive people.
I'm totally terrified of losing this good thing.
I wonder why I prefer salty over sweet.
Never in my life have I ever punched someone in the face. Slap? Now that's a different story.
High School was not so great.
When I'm nervous I get sweaty palms.
One time at a family gathering I accidentally picked up a bottle of ketchup instead my bottle of rootbeer...yeah, made it all the way to my mouth before I realized what happened. We were at a restaurant. {Imagine how nasty.} I was in elementary school and immediately burst into tears out of embarrassment. What can I say? I was a sensitive little one!
Take my advice: When you love Jesus it requires you to make choices contrary to your nature, but the end result is worth the momentary discomfort.
Making my bed only happens when guests are coming over or I'm about to leave on a trip.
I almost always have a running inner commentary of what I wish was appropriate to say, but know never should be said. Stephanie can attest to that...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
#2 Lunch Still Rules The Day
When I was a kid, lunch was my favorite part of the day. I went to a private school and it was the only time we got to talk with freedom. Plus, my mom packed the BEST sandwiches {Italian bread, sliced turkey, Alpine Lace Swiss cheese, yellow mustard, mayo, and lettuce} and always put a love note in my lunch box.
As an adult, lunch still rules the day. One hour of freedom to regain my sanity and relieve my stress. Thank you, US Labor Laws. I think I love you.
As an adult, lunch still rules the day. One hour of freedom to regain my sanity and relieve my stress. Thank you, US Labor Laws. I think I love you.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
#1 Confessions
Definitely went wild and crazy on my Starbucks run this morning and changed my order ::gasp!:: I even shocked my barista with that spontaneous move. {I could really use that fairy and apparently some more spontaneity in my life}
I may or may not have been jealous {3 to 5 times} today.
Even though I know I have a writing deadline on the 17th of every month, I still wait to write my assignment until the last minute. I work better under pressure? uhh...
When I get overwhelmed I tend to shut down. It’s really unfortunate for the people in my life. {I’m sorry and I’m working on it}
On Sunday, two of my friends and I had a spontaneous painting party. You know, paint-a-pretty-picture type of painting. Mine was ugly. That day I knew it was more about the process and not the product. I needed to get some things out that could not be verbalized. {Thank you Jessica and Melissa for telling me you liked it though....you helped me to keep going!}
Monday, August 16, 2010
If I had it my way
If I had it my way:
There would be a studio in my house where I could write and create all day long...for a living. You know, get paid to do what I love.
It would be completely appropriate to quote Bon Qui Qui at work. It would truly make my life complete.
Every song would have an acoustic version. It somehow makes even the hardest songs sound magical.
My niece and nephew would always call me “Auntie Alison” {forever and ever Amen}. Too bad my nephew has already informed me “When I’m a grown-up I’m just going to call you Alison, ok?” I may have told him “No! That’s not OK!” We’ll see who wins in 12 years.
There would be a Starbucks fairy that delivered a Cinnamon Dulce Frappuccino Light to my bedside every morning. It’s an addiction, people.
Fear of rejection would not exist. I have a suspicion that we would then be more free to love with out strings of acceptance attached. {Love for someone else above ourselves.}
There would be a studio in my house where I could write and create all day long...for a living. You know, get paid to do what I love.
It would be completely appropriate to quote Bon Qui Qui at work. It would truly make my life complete.
Every song would have an acoustic version. It somehow makes even the hardest songs sound magical.
My niece and nephew would always call me “Auntie Alison” {forever and ever Amen}. Too bad my nephew has already informed me “When I’m a grown-up I’m just going to call you Alison, ok?” I may have told him “No! That’s not OK!” We’ll see who wins in 12 years.
There would be a Starbucks fairy that delivered a Cinnamon Dulce Frappuccino Light to my bedside every morning. It’s an addiction, people.
Fear of rejection would not exist. I have a suspicion that we would then be more free to love with out strings of acceptance attached. {Love for someone else above ourselves.}
Thursday, August 12, 2010
This Week
This week has been filled with trying
to figure some things out in my heart and mind...
A time of reconciling the two together
to become my one story
instead two plots of war.
This week has also been a constant reminder
that God knows exactly
what weighs on me,
and sometimes answers me
through people I’ve never met...
“It’s hard to trust someone
who has the potential to hurt you.
But I think that’s the point, right?
Trust doesn’t mean a thing
if the other person is completely safe.
It’s scary.
But it doesn’t mean that it’s not worth doing.”
“You have to choose whether
you are going to expect the worst
believe the best.
I am ready to make that choice.
I want to be someone who chooses
recklessly, boldly, even naively, to believe the best.”
“If I am now enduring the bringing low,
I maywell rejoice,
because I see in it the preface to the lifting up.”
Charles Spurgeon via @yelyahwilliams
“If God wants you THERE
He will take you THERE...
in the meantime enjoy HERE
on the way to THERE...“
Monday, July 19, 2010
Cruising 101
A few simple ingredients for a great cruise experience...
1) Good friends of the "Very Fun" and "No-Drama" variety
Monday, July 5, 2010
Finally I Confessed
Well, friends, the July issue of Exemplify Magazine released today and this is the issue I said you would not want to miss! It's the forgiveness issue....and it's the issue I've been dreading for the last 2 months because my heart is now on display for all to see. ;)
I normally give you a sneak peek of my article here on the blog, but this month I want to leave you with a few thoughts to chew on before you click on over to read Exemplify Magazine...
My healing doesn't necessarily mean my feelings have been removed, it just means I'm walking through the process of choosing to respond in a different way. It's me saying that no matter the circumstance I'm putting my hope into the reality that God is in control.
And, now for the July issue.... www.exemplifyonline.com
While I highly encourage you to read the whole issue, my article starts on page 36 :)
I normally give you a sneak peek of my article here on the blog, but this month I want to leave you with a few thoughts to chew on before you click on over to read Exemplify Magazine...
My healing doesn't necessarily mean my feelings have been removed, it just means I'm walking through the process of choosing to respond in a different way. It's me saying that no matter the circumstance I'm putting my hope into the reality that God is in control.
And, now for the July issue.... www.exemplifyonline.com
While I highly encourage you to read the whole issue, my article starts on page 36 :)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Every month I get to be a part of the magazine team for the incredible ministry Exemplify Online and we are undergoing some pretty major changes! It's all very exciting and the whole team is behind the ministry founder and editor, Kristen Schiffman (LOVE her to pieces!). I would love for you to read about these changes over at http://exemplifyonline.com and while you're there don't forget to check out the June issue of the magazine where I introduce my new column, In First Person.
You'll definitely want to get caught up before the July issue releases next weekend. All I'll say is that you won't want to miss the next installment of In First Person. You can even subscribe to have the magazine delivered right to your inbox each and every month! How simple is that?!
Ok, now that all of the announcements are out of the way, some pretty exciting things are in the line-up for the next few months!
Including, but not limited to:
- A cruise with four of my college girl-friends
- Michele's bachelorette party {Don't worry; we like to keep things classy!}
- A trip to Nashville to visit one of my very best friends
- Hopefully meeting my weight loss goal {I'm so close!}
- The Whitfield Wedding...it will surely be the celebration of the year.
That's all pretty great, but there's still room for the unexpected! Who wants to be my unforeseen happiness? ;-)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
If My Brain Had A Name It Would Be 'Delorean'
Have you ever had a memory so strong you can still physically feel the past just by thinking about it? Yeah, that happened to me quite a bit this week. It catches my breath and squeezes my chest and induces mild anxiety at the thought that I might never feel that way again in real life like the way I do in my memory.
Do you think the memory of love can be more potent than in real life love? Sometimes, I think the answer to that question is yes because my memory of that love is a mix of the strongest aspects and moments of that time.
I know the answer is really no though. Nothing compares with in real life love shared between two people. My memory is only one sided. A memory can't hold me or tell me "I love you".
Lately, God has been reminding me of how he uses relationship to manifest his love for me {and you}. I then realize memories are a mere shadow of reality, and if that is true then reality will be much more potent in the end.
God give me the reality.
Sometimes I think about how it would be so much easier to stay single forever. That's just my self-preservation talking though. I only feel that way because I know the risk involved is great and the vulnerability is even greater. I hear the risk is worth it, but what I wonder is if someone will take the risk with me.
Truth be told, I have the time and freedom to do many things my married don't have the luxury of having. The reason I know that is because my married girlfriends always remind me! Travel, hours alone, doing what I want when I want, don't have to stay on my side of the bed, girls weekends on a whim, chick-flicks, etc. As much as I love those things about my life, I would trade them in a heart beat to have what they have. I'm not saying what they have is better. It's just different. I don't want to waste the time I have, but I sure do want that difference! ;-)
This is me.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Review: Sixteen Brides by Stephanie Grace Whitson

The story follows their trials and triumphs in creating a life for themselves. It's a story about community and waiting on the Lord. I loved it because the women did not succomb to the fate their escort planned. They learned the meaning of patience and trust...character traits we all need. It's a story of victory and you'll learn a little history along the way too!
This book was provided for free for review by Bethany House Publishing and can be bought on their website.
Review: She Walks In Beauty by Siri Mitchell

When I began reading this book I wasn't sure if I would enjoy a historical fiction novel, but in the end I have found a new genre to love. Siri Mitchell does a great job of weaving the love of God through the story of a young woman who has very little choice about her future. Mitchell also incorporated contemporary artists, poets and authors into her novel, and that gave a depth to what was going on in the Gilded Age. I got so lost in the story that I didn't put it down until it was finished, and even then I wish the story did not end.
This book was provided for free for review by Bethany House Publishers and can be purchased on their website.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Best Day Ever: Ice Cream Date
Today definitely made the top 5 list of my favorite days...I surprised my 6-year old nephew with an ice cream date. This was the first-time just he and I have gotten to hang out since his baby sister was born (over a year ago). This quality time was long over due.
Around noon I cut out of work early really excited about the afternoon ahead. I made a stop at home to change and grab a bite to eat and then I was off to my brother's house for the festivities to begin. Unfortunately, my brother was laid out on the couch sick, but my sister in-law was there to give me what I needed to pick up my nephew from school. This was my first time going through a pick-up line at an elementary school and so I wasn't quite sure what I was doing. Fortunately, the people who work there do know what they're doing. I was also a little worried that he would get into the wrong car because he normally rides home with a neighbor.
I pulled up to the curb and spotted my little man. When his name was called he started walking towards his neighbor's car (who happened to be the car in front of mine), but then he looked up and spotted me, Auntie Alison, in the pick-up line. At first he was confused, but then his little face lit up with surprise and excitement and the best smile ever. He was doing a mix of hopping and running towards my car.
When he was secured in his seat belt the questions began flowing...
"What are you doing here?!" "Did my mom say it was ok?" "What are we going to do?"
After he had all of his questions answered I gave him a packet of silly bands that his mom wanted me to give him. If you haven't heard of silly bands, google them. He then bestowed upon me the girly colored silly bands in the packet. I am now the proud owner of 4 of my very own car shaped silly bands in pink and purple.
We then headed off to my mom's office (aka Nana) for a visit. My mom works at my church, and my nephew used to go to pre-school there, so he had some people he wanted to see. We made our rounds and passed out hugs and kisses. The best part was he kept saying "I'm just so happy" and was spontaneously singing "If You're Happy and You Know It..."
When visiting hour was over, we headed off to the local ice cream shop for a treat. In the car on the way there he asked, "Can you pick me up from school every Wednesday?" I desperately wish my answer could have been "Yes". We also talked about our family, and how one day I hope to give him some cousins to play with. I told him that I have to get married first and he told me that means my last name wont be Hunt anymore more. I told him I didn't like that and he said "Well, maybe when you get married you can tell him to change his last name to Hunt!?" I said "Baby, it doesn't work that way" and he said "I know." We were both a little sad we wont always share the same last name.
At the ice cream shop we made our selections (He had mint ice cream with gummy bears and I had coffee ice cream with chocolate chips), and found a table and sat down to enjoy our snack. As we sat there we continued our conversation. The topics included, among other things, mean girls in his class and what we should do after we eat our ice cream. We also made silly faces at each other. It. Was. Awesome.
Up next on the agenda was a healthy dose of wii playing. Little man got to play all of the games he wanted without having to watch out for his baby sister crawling around or being interrupted because she needs something from one of the adults he was playing wii with. This is what you call heaven for this 6-year old boy.
The best part of the day was all of the spontaneous hugs and "I'm so happy" statements and the fact that when I asked him what is his all time favorite thing to do in the world, he answered "Spend time with you and Nana." Melt. My. Heart.
Today I realized that his love language is definitely quality time and I intend to give it to him as much a possible. He is an amazing older brother and is so content that it is easy to forget that he needs some special attention too. He amazes me with his generosity, his kindness and his love for his family. He is one of my biggest inspirations. I love my little man!
Around noon I cut out of work early really excited about the afternoon ahead. I made a stop at home to change and grab a bite to eat and then I was off to my brother's house for the festivities to begin. Unfortunately, my brother was laid out on the couch sick, but my sister in-law was there to give me what I needed to pick up my nephew from school. This was my first time going through a pick-up line at an elementary school and so I wasn't quite sure what I was doing. Fortunately, the people who work there do know what they're doing. I was also a little worried that he would get into the wrong car because he normally rides home with a neighbor.
I pulled up to the curb and spotted my little man. When his name was called he started walking towards his neighbor's car (who happened to be the car in front of mine), but then he looked up and spotted me, Auntie Alison, in the pick-up line. At first he was confused, but then his little face lit up with surprise and excitement and the best smile ever. He was doing a mix of hopping and running towards my car.
When he was secured in his seat belt the questions began flowing...
"What are you doing here?!" "Did my mom say it was ok?" "What are we going to do?"
After he had all of his questions answered I gave him a packet of silly bands that his mom wanted me to give him. If you haven't heard of silly bands, google them. He then bestowed upon me the girly colored silly bands in the packet. I am now the proud owner of 4 of my very own car shaped silly bands in pink and purple.
We then headed off to my mom's office (aka Nana) for a visit. My mom works at my church, and my nephew used to go to pre-school there, so he had some people he wanted to see. We made our rounds and passed out hugs and kisses. The best part was he kept saying "I'm just so happy" and was spontaneously singing "If You're Happy and You Know It..."
When visiting hour was over, we headed off to the local ice cream shop for a treat. In the car on the way there he asked, "Can you pick me up from school every Wednesday?" I desperately wish my answer could have been "Yes". We also talked about our family, and how one day I hope to give him some cousins to play with. I told him that I have to get married first and he told me that means my last name wont be Hunt anymore more. I told him I didn't like that and he said "Well, maybe when you get married you can tell him to change his last name to Hunt!?" I said "Baby, it doesn't work that way" and he said "I know." We were both a little sad we wont always share the same last name.
At the ice cream shop we made our selections (He had mint ice cream with gummy bears and I had coffee ice cream with chocolate chips), and found a table and sat down to enjoy our snack. As we sat there we continued our conversation. The topics included, among other things, mean girls in his class and what we should do after we eat our ice cream. We also made silly faces at each other. It. Was. Awesome.
Up next on the agenda was a healthy dose of wii playing. Little man got to play all of the games he wanted without having to watch out for his baby sister crawling around or being interrupted because she needs something from one of the adults he was playing wii with. This is what you call heaven for this 6-year old boy.
The best part of the day was all of the spontaneous hugs and "I'm so happy" statements and the fact that when I asked him what is his all time favorite thing to do in the world, he answered "Spend time with you and Nana." Melt. My. Heart.
Today I realized that his love language is definitely quality time and I intend to give it to him as much a possible. He is an amazing older brother and is so content that it is easy to forget that he needs some special attention too. He amazes me with his generosity, his kindness and his love for his family. He is one of my biggest inspirations. I love my little man!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Radical by David Platt
Today I received an email from WaterBrook Multnomah publishing's Blogging for Books program about the book Radical by David Platt. They asked me (and other bloggers) to read the first chapter and post my thoughts. His book is about his search of living a radical life of belief in and obedience to Jesus Christ by stepping away from the self-centered American church and moving towards a life of sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel.
What Platt proposes in chapter one alone is nothing short of radical. I can see where he is coming from and it takes a supernatural amount of faith to live the radical life he talks about. Without having read the rest of the book, I think he is heading in the right directions. I can definitely tell he is still searching for answers (which he readily admits) and for the reader that likes a good adventure, this book is for that person. While I agree with a lot of what he says, I think it is important to use discernment because not every person's "Radical Life" will look the same. For some it may mean literally selling everything they have to give to the poor and for other it may mean remaining single to devote their life service and the Gospel. I think it is more important to take away the heart of what Platt says and ask God to show us through scripture how to be radical in our relationship with Him. I'm definitely curious to see where Platt lands at the end of the book.
WaterBrook Multnomah is offering chapter one for free by visiting this website: http://waterbrookmultnomah.com/2010/04/20/sneak-peek-radical-by-david-platt/
They are also offering "The Radical Question" (a small companion guide to Radical) for free! You can go to this website to have your copy mailed to you: http://waterbrookmultnomah.com/RadicalQuestion/
If you would like to learn more about Radical by David Platt please visit: www.RadicaltheBook.com
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Family Lessons
Last weekend I spent an afternoon at my brother's house catching up with him and playing with the kids. At one point during my time there I was playing with A, my 6 year old nephew, and I noticed he had a blister on the palm of his hand. I asked him what happened and this is what he told me...
"Well, one day on the play ground, I was swinging on the swings to get a tan..."
I didn't hear much after that because I was laughing so hard! He was swinging to get a tan. What six year old says something like that?! A; that's who. He is one funny kid. Although I thought it was funny, he did NOT think it was funny that I was laughing. When I apologized and said I was laughing at what he said and not at him he replied, "Well, you were just a little bit." Ouch, right? I sometimes forget that when kids say funny things they are usually serious about what they said. Apologies and an ice cream date are forthcoming for the little guy.
Later that afternoon he challenged me to a wii boxing match. Going in I knew I would lose because kids are now bred with some gene to beat adults at wii games. What I did not anticipate is actually injuring myself. I texted my older brother D the next day reporting said injury and got no sympathy. He replied "That's why I don't wii box! lol".
Also, can I mention that my 13 month old niece, S, out ate her brother at lunch? I am amazed and baffled because A can put down some serious food! A is getting close to 4ft tall. Pretty sure he will be towering over me by the time he's in high school.
Lessons learned that afternoon:
1. A good way to tan is to swing on a playground
2. Don't take for granted the tender feelings of child.
3. No amount of exercise will prevent a Wii boxing injury when the need to win outweighs adult common sense.
4. Older brothers still act like older brothers even in adulthood. ;)
5. A baby in a growth spurt can out eat just about anyone.
Monday, April 19, 2010
So Random
Pardon the randomness, but I've got lots going on in this mind of mine...
Last week I had my last training session with my personal trainer. It was sad to say goodbye to her. After training twice a week for 12 weeks, she has become a staple in my life. It hurts when staples are removed! Let's hope I can keep up with workouts without her. Fortunately, she's emailing me all of the workout plans we did during our time together!
I don't like to use my ipod when I workout. As a matter of fact, I don't like to listen to any kind of music when I workout. It ruins my focus. Plus, I like to work through my day as I'm beating my body into submission exercising and music only crowds my thoughts.
This next link is honor of my bff, Shelby. She has a thing for leggings but not everyone share's her love. http://uiucnopants.com/ is a blog dedicated to those people who wear their leggings as pants. According to Shelby there are rules for wearing leggings. I'm pretty sure these people are not following the rules!
Wednesday is Administrative Professionals Day and I just found out I get to do something really fun that day! I love my job!
Had enough randomness? Ok, Ok. Before I go though, here's a link to my Madrid pictures ;)
Last week I had my last training session with my personal trainer. It was sad to say goodbye to her. After training twice a week for 12 weeks, she has become a staple in my life. It hurts when staples are removed! Let's hope I can keep up with workouts without her. Fortunately, she's emailing me all of the workout plans we did during our time together!
I don't like to use my ipod when I workout. As a matter of fact, I don't like to listen to any kind of music when I workout. It ruins my focus. Plus, I like to work through my day as I'm beating my body into submission exercising and music only crowds my thoughts.
This next link is honor of my bff, Shelby. She has a thing for leggings but not everyone share's her love. http://uiucnopants.com/ is a blog dedicated to those people who wear their leggings as pants. According to Shelby there are rules for wearing leggings. I'm pretty sure these people are not following the rules!
I've been praying for this girl, recently. She has given so much of herself to others and right now she needs us. In a major, miracle needing way.
I'm about to finish the Twilight series again...I hate to admit this is my 5th time reading the books. I'm an adult who loves Young Adult Fantasy/Sci-Fi novels. Hey, it could be worse. At least my favorite books aren't Harlequin Romances!
Speaking of the Twilight saga...did you know a new Twilight novella is being released on June 7??! It's titled The Short Second LIfe of Bree Tanner and it's about one of the "new born" vampires that was created by Victoria in book 3: Eclipse. It was originally supposed to be included in The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide, but it would have doubled the size of the Guide. Another trivia factoid for you is that the actors who play Victoria, Bree and Riley in the Eclispe movie read the novella. Which means we will get to know more about their side of the story in the movie! {You can actually read more about that at www.stepheniemeyer.com.}
Like you couldn't already tell, I'm such a book nerd. So, of course there are many I want to add to my personal library. Last year I got into the habit getting all of my books from my local Library. The ones I loved I added to my wish list on www.amazon.com, but the wallet is tight yall! So my wishes have remained just that. Here's a link to my wish list {Hint, Hint}
Had enough randomness? Ok, Ok. Before I go though, here's a link to my Madrid pictures ;)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Book Review: Never Say Never by Lisa Wingate
When it comes to Christian fiction I am usually pretty wary of what I might find between the covers. Mainly because most Christian fiction books are romance novels set in another time period 200 years, or earlier, in the past. So, what made me pick this book for review? Why did I give Christian fiction another chance?
1. Never Say Never by Lisa Wingate is set in modern day.
2. While there is some romance to the plot, it is not the all consuming topic.
3. I like try things again because, you "can't judge a book by it's cover!" har har ;)
I read it, and I liked it, but I didn't LOVE it. I think the reason I didn't love it is based on the expectation I had of the plot.
Let me back up a bit and start with what I did like about this book...
Alright, now on to the items where I felt a bit let down...
So, on the scale of Bad, Eh, Good, and Excellent...I give it a "Good".
This book was provided for free by Bethany House Publishing for review and it can be purchased at any online book retailer. :)
1. Never Say Never by Lisa Wingate is set in modern day.
2. While there is some romance to the plot, it is not the all consuming topic.
3. I like try things again because, you "can't judge a book by it's cover!" har har ;)
I read it, and I liked it, but I didn't LOVE it. I think the reason I didn't love it is based on the expectation I had of the plot.
Let me back up a bit and start with what I did like about this book...
- Lisa Wingate is actually a good writer! I also liked how she dealt with some real issues in the content. The main character, Kai, came from a not so great home life, and Wingate clearly showed the affect it had on Kai's life and her inability/unwillingness to truly connect with people.
- There was romance, but she wrote in such a way that did not stir emotions or fantasies or unrealistic ideals. Unfortunately, most Christian romance novels I have read are almost as bad as the secular romance novels. You know what I mean...a harlequin romance just minus the explicit scenes.
- The story had a good moral about taking care of those in need.
Alright, now on to the items where I felt a bit let down...
- While the characters in the book clearly went to church, and were religious, I didn't get anything about their relationship with Jesus.
- Kai questions her beliefs through the memories of her little brother, but at the end of the book there was not a resolution about where she stood about her faith.
- I would have liked more of the story to focus on her love interest, Kemp.
So, on the scale of Bad, Eh, Good, and Excellent...I give it a "Good".
This book was provided for free by Bethany House Publishing for review and it can be purchased at any online book retailer. :)
Monday, April 5, 2010
The Ancient Gates
...Since the very first time I read Psalm 24 I've had a fascination and a curiosity about those ancient gates and doors. Where do the gates lead? Who should open them? I wonder what those ancient gates looked like? What I did not understand was how they necessarily related to worship. More specifically, how the gates related to my personal worship and relationship with God....
To read the rest of The Ancient Gates visit www.exemplifyonline.com to read the April issue! (psst....it begins on page 56!)
To read the rest of The Ancient Gates visit www.exemplifyonline.com to read the April issue! (psst....it begins on page 56!)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Well, my blog went dark for a time, but I have good excuses. Really, I do!
I was in Spain for a week for my job and a couple days of sight seeing. Stories will definitely be coming on that experience! Fortunately, I found an incredible airline tickets and my mom could afford to go with me too!
I've been busy making some new friends. They're absolutely precious. For real. Definitely an answer to 3 years of prayer!
I have a new personal trainer that's been torturing helping me twice a week to get strong and healthy (and beach ready!).
Celebrating my nieces 1st birthday!
Before Cake...
After Cake...
Spending time with this little man....my 6 year old nephew. Yall he's gonna be tall....real tall.
Can you tell he loves his sister? Look at that smile....makes an Auntie proud!
Before Cake...
After Cake...
Spending time with this little man....my 6 year old nephew. Yall he's gonna be tall....real tall.
Can you tell he loves his sister? Look at that smile....makes an Auntie proud!
Planning my first adult/non-family/non-couch hopping vacation with some friends from college. We're cruising to Cozumel and I cannot wait to get to this beach!
And last but not least...writing for Exemplify Magazine over at www.exemplifyonline.com. A new issue comes out on Saturday!! Make sure to subscribe (it's FREE) and each month the magazine will be delivered right to your email inbox!
So, while I've been busy, my blog has definitely been on my mind, and I've decided to be more intentional with what I do here...i.e. actually posting! ha! I don't want to just write about what keeps me busy...that's what twitter is for. So, keep your eyes open for more meaningful (at least to me) posts around these parts.
Love-love: A
And last but not least...writing for Exemplify Magazine over at www.exemplifyonline.com. A new issue comes out on Saturday!! Make sure to subscribe (it's FREE) and each month the magazine will be delivered right to your email inbox!
So, while I've been busy, my blog has definitely been on my mind, and I've decided to be more intentional with what I do here...i.e. actually posting! ha! I don't want to just write about what keeps me busy...that's what twitter is for. So, keep your eyes open for more meaningful (at least to me) posts around these parts.
Love-love: A
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Laughing @ Myself
I am particular about the way I do most tasks. I know this about myself, but I did not realize I was so transparent about it! Sometimes I think God uses people to show me my peculiarities so I can get a good laugh at myself.
The other day I was fixing my tea in the break room at work and I got into a conversation with a coworker. Our positions work in orbit of each other and we don't usually have much cause to interact, except the few minutes we spend in the break room in the mornings. That day I was fixing my hot tea and was going through my normal routine, and out of the blue she asks if I am the only girl child in my family. I tell her that I am, and go on to explain that I have an older brother and 2-step sisters that I gained as an adult. I didn't know what prompted the question and so I said, "Why do you ask? Is there something about me that gives it away?"
She just shakes her head, laughs and tells me that everything I do is done "just-so". I immediately knew she was confronting my strange compulsion to be particular and had laughed right along with her.
Sometimes I need to have a good giggle at the parts that make up the sum of who I am as a person.
What parts of your sum do you need to laugh at today?
The other day I was fixing my tea in the break room at work and I got into a conversation with a coworker. Our positions work in orbit of each other and we don't usually have much cause to interact, except the few minutes we spend in the break room in the mornings. That day I was fixing my hot tea and was going through my normal routine, and out of the blue she asks if I am the only girl child in my family. I tell her that I am, and go on to explain that I have an older brother and 2-step sisters that I gained as an adult. I didn't know what prompted the question and so I said, "Why do you ask? Is there something about me that gives it away?"
She just shakes her head, laughs and tells me that everything I do is done "just-so". I immediately knew she was confronting my strange compulsion to be particular and had laughed right along with her.
Sometimes I need to have a good giggle at the parts that make up the sum of who I am as a person.
What parts of your sum do you need to laugh at today?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
And the Winner is....

Colin Mansfield!
For all the rest of you that didn't win....BUY it! Seriously; you will not regret spending the money on it. I'll even make is super easy for you with direct links to the book at these online stores:
www.waterbrookmultnomah.com {the publisher}
And, the FTC is making me do this next part...This book was provided for review and giveaway by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Tuesday's Trio - Twitter Edition
This week's Trio is all about my favorite twitterers tweople twits people who use twitter.
JesusNeedsNewPR - He's just so dang funny! I may not agree with everything he says, but at least he believes what he says,and lets be real, he's pure comedy.
Snowhite197 - She's my favorite foodie on twitter. Even better, she posts food pictures. I would pay good money for some cooking lessons with her!
JClayville - #1 Hilarious; #2 Real, Real Honest; #3 cutest kids EVER.
Follow them. Now. Right now before you forget. ;)
JesusNeedsNewPR - He's just so dang funny! I may not agree with everything he says, but at least he believes what he says,and lets be real, he's pure comedy.
Snowhite197 - She's my favorite foodie on twitter. Even better, she posts food pictures. I would pay good money for some cooking lessons with her!
JClayville - #1 Hilarious; #2 Real, Real Honest; #3 cutest kids EVER.
Follow them. Now. Right now before you forget. ;)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Hear No Evil by Matthew Paul Turner + a GIVEAWAY!

From his beginnings in a fundamentalist church that preached the "evil" of most music, including Amy Grant and Sandi Patty, to his college years at a Christian university and the beginning of his career, Matthew Paul Turner's book Hear No Evil is a collection of laugh out loud funny essays about how music has impacted his life. Turner is such a visual writer that I had a "Wonder Years" experience with him becoming the narrator to what I would see as I read. While his essays could be misinterpreted as bashing the church he grew up in, I think he ultimately points out how not all aspects of Christian culture are necessarily biblical. It's easy to see that Turner's intent is to point people to the freedom of having a relationship with Jesus instead of being bound by man made rules alone.
Now it's time for the free stuff! Thanks to the generosity of fine people at WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Company I get to give away a copy of Hear No Evil!
So here's how this will go down:
For your first entry, just leave a comment about anything! For additional entries:
• Follow @alisonlhunt on Twitter
• Follow my blog
• Tweet about this giveaway
• Blog about this giveaway Please leave one comment for each method of entry. Each comment is an entry.
This giveaway will close at Noon PST on Thursday, February 18, 2010. Winners will be announced on Friday, February 19, 2010. Please make sure I have a way to contact you incase you win!
Don't worry, if you don't win you can always purchase this book and others by Matthew Paul Turner at RandomHouse.com. {which I HIGHLY recommend}
Happy Reading!
***Disclaimer: This book was provided for review and giveaway by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.
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