Sixteen Brides by Stephanie Grace Whitson is a historical fiction story about young Civil War widows and their quest for something to call their own. In St. Louis during 1872 several of these young widows were lured to a meeting promising free land in Nebraska. With no other prospects besides relying on unwilling family or marrying men they did not love, sixteen widows boarded a train headed for Plum, Nebraska. Along the the journey towards their new lives they begin to realize their escort had less than honorable intentions. He had promised the single men of Plum (and surrounding cities) that he was bringing them brides. When the truth was made public at a stop along the way to their final destination, many of the women decided to claim their free land and farm on their own.
The story follows their trials and triumphs in creating a life for themselves. It's a story about community and waiting on the Lord. I loved it because the women did not succomb to the fate their escort planned. They learned the meaning of patience and trust...character traits we all need. It's a story of victory and you'll learn a little history along the way too!
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Bethany House Publishing and can be bought on their
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