Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Writing Music

No...I'm not writing music, but I wrote something and found the music download jackpot.

First things first, the writing.  The September issue of Exemplify Magazine is live!  The whole issue is beautiful, as usual, and you can find me beginning on page 42. This month I write about being an introvert and making friends.

Now the music!  I've always been a fan of the Relevant magazine podcast, but for no good reason at all I haven't downloaded it in a super long time.  What I love the most is the artist interviews and the live sets they did in the Relevant studio.  Last night I found that all of those live recordings are available for FREE download on It is full of music artists you know and love, and a lot more you have never heard but NEED in your life. Trust me and you're welcome.


  1. Oh oh oh! As Tall As Lions too! I HEART them! Do you listen to them much? I saw them a few months ago. They opened for MuteMath in DC. They are fabulous!
