Last weekend I spent an afternoon at my brother's house catching up with him and playing with the kids. At one point during my time there I was playing with A, my 6 year old nephew, and I noticed he had a blister on the palm of his hand. I asked him what happened and this is what he told me...
"Well, one day on the play ground, I was swinging on the swings to get a tan..."
I didn't hear much after that because I was laughing so hard! He was swinging to get a tan. What six year old says something like that?! A; that's who. He is one funny kid. Although I thought it was funny, he did NOT think it was funny that I was laughing. When I apologized and said I was laughing at what he said and not at him he replied, "Well, you were just a little bit." Ouch, right? I sometimes forget that when kids say funny things they are usually serious about what they said. Apologies and an ice cream date are forthcoming for the little guy.
Later that afternoon he challenged me to a wii boxing match. Going in I knew I would lose because kids are now bred with some gene to beat adults at wii games. What I did not anticipate is actually injuring myself. I texted my older brother D the next day reporting said injury and got no sympathy. He replied "That's why I don't wii box! lol".
Also, can I mention that my 13 month old niece, S, out ate her brother at lunch? I am amazed and baffled because A can put down some serious food! A is getting close to 4ft tall. Pretty sure he will be towering over me by the time he's in high school.
Lessons learned that afternoon:
1. A good way to tan is to swing on a playground
2. Don't take for granted the tender feelings of child.
3. No amount of exercise will prevent a Wii boxing injury when the need to win outweighs adult common sense.
4. Older brothers still act like older brothers even in adulthood. ;)
5. A baby in a growth spurt can out eat just about anyone.
Fab lessons :)
Family is the best isn't it!