Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lesson learned, Jesus. Lesson learned.

Failure can be a catalyst if I choose to learn from it.
This week, for the first time in a long time, I really truly failed at something. Every month I have a writing deadline for the amazing ministry/blog/online magazine This month I couldn't meet it even though I gave every brain cell a stern lecture to get in gear and write!
Ask my friends...I sat in front of my computer for days and hours at a time, and I could not write. They would know. They received a number of "frustrated writer" phone calls (which may jut be worse than any "woman scorned" phone calls. Trust me.).
Here's my brain spiral of thoughts as I approached the deadline:
"Why can't I write this article?!"
"It's like the words in my brain were sucked out by some space black-hole vacuum."
" The devil must stealing my creativity tonight."
"So. Tired."
"I hate disappointing my editor."
"I'm actually not going to be able write this article."
"Ok, Jesus, seriously, why can't I write on this topic? I feel so dry."
At this point, the light bulb blinks on over my head and I knew why I was so dry. Uh, I hadn't really read my Bible in the last month. I could give you a million excuses, but none are worth your time. I just didn't do it. So, lesson learned, Jesus, lesson learned. To be spiritually full, I must feed. (sounds very vampiric, don't you think?). True story...the Bible fills my love tank.
I recently read this in My Utmost for His Highest on January 17:
"My contact with the nature of God will shape my understanding of His call and will help me realize what I truly desire to do for Him."
The more contact I have with God, the more I understand who I am, what He wants me to do, and how to do it. For me, this includes writing because it's what I desire to do for God. (Not sure this is theologically sound, but then again, I'm not a theologian.) The more time I spend with God, the more understanding I have about not only myself, but the world around me; natural and supernatural.
So, this weeks lesson, kids, is that 1) if I want to know God, I must spend time with Him and 2) to be spiritually full, I must be spiritually fed.
A BIG thank you to my editor for giving me an undeserved second chance to continue writing!

1 comment:

  1. :)

    I think it is a lesson for all of us to learn. I ended up taking a break and don't a column in February's issue because I too was dry. It had more to do with what was going on around me more than anything but I have noticed this year as I have been much more intentional about my time in the Word my writing ideas have picked up tremendously.

    It gets easier as time goes on too... :)
