Wednesday, January 13, 2010

28 Blessings

Today is my 28th Birthday and I get just as excited about it as I did when I was younger. For me birthdays mean newness, fresh start, possibility, expectation of what could happen, and thankfulness for what has happened. This year I want to do things a little different and just focus on the blessings in my life:
  1. Fresh excitement in my relationship with God
  2. Family that loves me for who I am, and not who they want me to be in the future
  3. I can freely worship in my country
  4. I can read my Bible whenever I want to
  5. Church family
  6. Old friends
  7. And new friends (thank you, Jesus!)
  8. Books....glorious books
  9. My local feeds my addiction
  10. Diet Dr. Pepper
  11. Weight Watchers
  13. A home to live in
  14. A job that I LOVE
  15. A boss that teaches me
  16. Co-workers that are genuinely kind and helpful
  17. Traveling for work...I love to travel
  18. Health
  19. Zumba....everyone needs to try it at least once!
  20. Bloggy friends
  21. Realized dreams
  22. Being single...yes, it is a blessing and not a punishment ;)
  23. Veggie friendly restaurants
  24. Health Insurance
  25. Glee! (a little TV joy never hurts! haha)
  26. Google Reader to keep my blog reading organized
  27.'s been flippin' cold in Florida lately!
  28. Another chance at another year to LIVE
What are your blessings? Both the big and the small....I think God delights in my delight even if I find it in Glee or Zumba or my Relationship with Him. -Alison