Found one of my new favorite quotes today: (ht:
Brad Ruggles)
"To live by grace means to acknowledge my whole life story, the light side and the dark. In admitting my shadow side I learn who I am and what God’s grace means. As Thomas Merton put it, ‘A saint is not someone who is good but who experiences the goodness of God.’" -Brennan Manning
Ruminate on that one for a bit. I did. Made me realize that my past should not produce shame, but produce more grace because it brings a better understanding of the Grace of God. Had a paradigm shift today that I wasn't quite expecting, but when do we ever really expect our personal paradigm to be shifted?
I've been spending time thinking about what it is I want to do with my life. Most days I feel stuck in neutral and that what is comfortable and safe is best. Cognitively, I know that comfort and safety usually means I'm not taking the kind of risks that can bring about some of life's most amazing results. It's that first risky step that can be one of the hardest for me.
My nephew and niece were dedicated at church a few weeks ago! This is where I think my church is on point...waiting for baptism until it is the decision of the individual to follow Jesus.

Can you see the cute little bow on my nieces head?! I cannot wait to play dress-up when she gets older!

My work/work-out buddy moved away! Her husband got a promotion (which is especially amazing in this economy) and they couldn't pass it up. Even though it meant moving to Oklahoma! The only upside to co-workers moving away is the cake at the goodbye party. This time around did NOT disappoint! You can't go wrong with a Publix chocolate cake with raspberry filling and butter cream icing.
Since I don't know my readers...why don't you tell me about yourself!
Favorite blog topic to read about:
If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
I love this blog, but would love your interaction even more! Some of my new favorite people I have met through blogs, twitter, and other online resources. Lets be friends :)
Great family pic!! That makes me happy!
ReplyDeleteHere's my info, although you probably know it! :)
Tallahassee, FL
Topic: LIFE, the every day things that mean stuff
Animal: i used to collect pig figurines cause I thought they were cute, but I guess now it would be a dog now since I have one and love him (even though he whines a lot). And I guess it's your favorite when you have one as a pet. :)
Name: Natalie
ReplyDeleteLocation: Tallahassee
Animal: I think I'd be some kind of cat. It would be cool to be really flexible, have great reflexes and balance, and see in the dark. Also you get to sleep a lot and be really pretty. :) I do love dogs as pets and actually prefer them but I wouldn't want to be one because too many people abandon their dogs. Cats are more able to fend for themselves if need be and I admire that about them.
I love going to different and new blogs I like reading about whatever. Really, almost anything. I think it is fun seeing things through other people's eyes.