So, my Daily Peeks have slowed down a bit due to me being a sickie for the past week. Really, who wants to see my POV of that? But here it is in a nutshell anyway:
Sleep, read, sleep, watch a movie, medicate, eat a little something, sleep, read, medicate, go to the doctor, sleep, medicate, read, eat, get the picture.
I'm actually cuddled up in my bed as we speak I type recouping from the days work. I don't have a physically strenuous job, but after spending basically 4 days in bed, it wiped me out.
Let's leave this on a high note - cause Jonathan has inspired me to give good news more than bad news - and no he doesn't twitter or blog.
Ok, the good stuff, there's only FIVE WEEKS until France! haha ok, so that's braggy good news.
Alright, the real niece and nephew were dedicated at church on Sunday! It was such a special thing to be a part of that service and to hear the blessings prayed over their lives. God is working is some serious ways around here.
Bloggy readers, thanks for being my cuddle buddy this evening. Count yourself lucky; not many get that privilege. ;o)