A new friend, Crystal Renaud, is undertaking the monumental task of shedding light onto a dark spot...the secret world of female porn addicts. She is in the beginning stages of writing a book titled Dirty Girls: The New Porn Addicts, and she has set up the website http://www.thenewpornaddicts.com/ to collect data on this hidden population. It is chock-full with info about the project, her story, 3 different surveys, a confessional and a bunch of other stuff.
If you are a woman or know women (which is everyone) please visit her site TODAY! It's about time that the shame and secrecy is lifted so women can begin experiencing true redemtion and FREEDOM!
I am also asking that you add her widget to your site/blog (which can be found here), post a link on your facebook and twitter your face off about her site!
Please take some time to navigate the website and tell all your friends, family, and maybe even people you don't know about it!
PS. below is everything you need to know to participate in this project!
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Crystal Renaud is a twenty-four year old writer and communications professional living in the Kansas City area. Crystal is on staff at Westside Family Church in Lenexa, KS. She has spent much of the last 12-18 months voluntarily counseling women with sexual addiction through the use of her own story and under the supervision and mentorship of licensed Biblical counselors. Her writings can be found on her blog of almost 5 years, pinkhairedgirl.net.Read Crystal's Porn Story
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Dirty Girls is a book that will discuss the widespread, yet silent battle women are facing with pornography addiction. Surveys are being conducted at TheNewPornAddicts.com for women presently addicted to pornography, for women who have overcome a pornography addiction and for friends, family and accountability partners of women addicted to pornography.
Through analyzing surveys, as well as conducting interviews with those who have been affected by pornography, author Crystal Renaud will use her personal story of redemption and Biblical and practical tools for recovery, to show women they are not alone in their battle and the hope that freedom from a pornography addiction is possible.
More can be found at TheNewPornAddicts.com.
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If you are a woman who is currently addicted to pornography, please take the first survey.
If you are a woman who has overcome an addiction to pornography, please take the second survey.
If you are friend, family member or accountability partner of a woman who is currently or formerly addicted to pornography, please take the third survey.
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Although it is not required, in order to make this survey as verifiable and legit as possible, I ask that you please provide your name and contact information. The information you provide will not be sold or distributed in any way ... to anyone. Data is password protected and the only person who holds the key to this information is myself.
Please be honest throughout this survey. The data will be strategically analyzed and used in a general method of support in the book. If you have questions or concerns about taking a survey, please do not hesitate to contact me (http://www.thenewpornaddicts.com/contact.html).
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About: http://www.thenewpornaddicts.com/about.html
Crystal's blog: http://www.pinkhairedgirl.net/Confessional: http://www.thenewpornaddicts.com/confess.html
Thanks for helping Crystal with this book project.
ReplyDeleteYou might also like this new video about porn addiction:
This is great. With an average of 50% of pastors (last stats I heard) addicted to porn, it is obviously a serious issue for men and women in our society inside as well as outside the church. It seems there are few in general who are willing to address such a difficult issue with so many implications and do so in such a way that doesn't beat around the bush and thus keep it as something too shameful to discuss.
ReplyDeleteI applaud Crystal for her vulnerability, her courage, and her heart to see others set free. What an amazing woman!