Wednesday, August 25, 2010

#4 Refreshed

Being spiritually refreshed, and engaged in my relationship with God, has vastly improved my other relationships.  Seriously.

a) Puts me in an awesome mood
b) It gives me a good perspective on what/who is important
c) I understand that my security does not come from what people think about me, but from what I know God thinks about me. (takes the pressure off the people in my life)

Monday, August 23, 2010

#3 Can I get your number, Bon Qui Qui?

If Mad TV was still on air, they would have hit a comedy goldmine by introducing Darell of "Can I get your number?" to Bon Qui Qui.

I'm just sayin'.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Caffeinated Randomness: Complete the Sentence

One of my favorite bloggers and magazine mates, Andrea @ Under Grace and Over Coffee, has a fun link-up every Friday.  Caffeinated Randomness {CR} explains my life right about now....I'm almost always caffeinated and always always random.

This week I'm reaching back to one of Andrea's CR posts that I absolutely love:  Complete the Sentence

Maybe I should organize my home piles are taking over the work space.
I love my nephew and niece! {and blueberry pie yogurt}
People would say that I'm quiet, but funny. It's us quiet ones you have to watch out for.
I don't understand football. I need lessons. I'm serious.
When I wake up in the morning I hit the snooze at least once before I actually get out of bed and then turn on the news so I don't fall back asleep.
I lost the state spelling bee in 1st grade. I didn't go very many rounds, but it was very cool to be there.

Life is full of unexpected surprises {the good kind that change your course}
My past is full of teachable moments.
I get annoyed when people go slower than the speed limit. I'm a woman on the go, people! ;)
Parties are usually fun....especially when I know a lot of people there.
I wish I had more courage.
Tomorrow I am lounging by the pool. Weather permitting. 
I have low tolerance for passive aggressive people.
I'm totally terrified of losing this good thing.
I wonder why I prefer salty over sweet.
Never in my life have I ever punched someone in the face.  Slap? Now that's a different story.
High School was not so great.
When I'm nervous I get sweaty palms.
One time at a family gathering I accidentally picked up a bottle of ketchup instead my bottle of rootbeer...yeah, made it all the way to my mouth before I realized what happened. We were at a restaurant. {Imagine how nasty.} I was in elementary school and immediately burst into tears out of embarrassment.  What can I say? I was a sensitive little one!
Take my advice: When you love Jesus it requires you to make choices contrary to your nature, but the end result is worth the momentary discomfort. 
Making my bed only happens when guests are coming over or I'm about to leave on a trip.
I almost always have a running inner commentary of what I wish was appropriate to say, but know never should be said. Stephanie can attest to that...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

#2 Lunch Still Rules The Day

When I was a kid, lunch was my favorite part of the day. I went to a private school and it was the only time we got to talk with freedom.  Plus, my mom packed the BEST sandwiches {Italian bread, sliced turkey, Alpine Lace Swiss cheese, yellow mustard, mayo, and lettuce} and always put a love note in my lunch box.

As an adult, lunch still rules the day.  One hour of freedom to regain my sanity and relieve my stress. Thank you, US Labor Laws.  I think I love you.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

#1 Confessions

Definitely went wild and crazy on my Starbucks run this morning and changed my order ::gasp!:: I even shocked my barista with that spontaneous move. {I could really use that fairy and apparently some more spontaneity in my life}


I may or may not have been jealous {3 to 5 times} today.


Even though I know I have a writing deadline on the 17th of every month, I still wait to write my assignment until the last minute. I work better under pressure? uhh...


When I get overwhelmed I tend to shut down. It’s really unfortunate for the people in my life. {I’m sorry and I’m working on it}


On Sunday, two of my friends and I had a spontaneous painting party. You know, paint-a-pretty-picture type of painting. Mine was ugly. That day I knew it was more about the process and not the product. I needed to get some things out that could not be verbalized. {Thank you Jessica and Melissa for telling me you liked it helped me to keep going!}

Monday, August 16, 2010

If I had it my way

If I had it my way:

There would be a studio in my house where I could write and create all day long...for a living. You know, get paid to do what I love.

It would be completely appropriate to quote Bon Qui Qui at work. It would truly make my life complete.

Every song would have an acoustic version. It somehow makes even the hardest songs sound magical.

My niece and nephew would always call me “Auntie Alison” {forever and ever Amen}. Too bad my nephew has already informed me When I’m a grown-up I’m just going to call you Alison, ok?” I may have told him “No! That’s not OK!”  We’ll see who wins in 12 years.

There would be a Starbucks fairy that delivered a Cinnamon Dulce Frappuccino Light to my bedside every morning. It’s an addiction, people.

Fear of rejection would not exist.  I have a suspicion that we would then be more free to love with out strings of acceptance attached. {Love for someone else above ourselves.}

Thursday, August 12, 2010

This Week

This week has been filled with trying
to figure some things out in my heart and mind...
A time of reconciling the two together
to become my one story 
instead two plots of war.

This week has also been a constant reminder
that God knows exactly
what weighs on me,
and sometimes answers me
through people I’ve never met...

“It’s hard to trust someone
who has the potential to hurt you.
But I think that’s the point, right?  
Trust doesn’t mean a thing
if the other person is completely safe.
It’s scary.  
But it doesn’t mean that it’s not worth doing.”

“You have to choose whether
you are going to expect the worst
believe the best.
I am ready to make that choice.
I want to be someone who chooses
recklessly, boldly, even naively, to believe the best.

“If I am now enduring the bringing low,
I maywell rejoice,
because I see in it the preface to the lifting up.
Charles Spurgeon via @yelyahwilliams

“If God wants you THERE
He will take you THERE...
in the meantime enjoy HERE
on the way to THERE...“