Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Than a Daily Peek

Since it has been an exorbitant amount of time since I've given a proper update, you get the bulleted highlighs of my life since December.
  • I turned 27 and officially entered my "late twenties"....can we say that's just unbelievable? If you know my story, then you know I didn't quite plan for this age.
  • My oldest friend got married on Valentines Day, and I was a bridesmaid. Now, don't get me wrong, I was honored and am a big fan of Valentine's Day, but as a single lady...salt in the relational wound. I had to pray some of the infamous Michele's words "Jesus be a fence AND a shield for the bride from her single bridesmaids."
  • While at my dad's house, for said Valentines Day wedding, I also found out I'm going to France for a week in June. Thank you Lindsay and Jason for planning a destination wedding in the South of France!
  • My bff, Shelby, got engaged to the man of her dreams. Friends, this man did it right! It included a day at the spa, a mansion and a hidden photographer. Thank God her man and I get along really well too! Seriously, how awkward would that be to not like your bff's hubby? Tanner, I'm so glad to be adding you in my life! Did I mention I get to the maid of honor along with my friend Amy?! So excited to play this part!
  • I have a new niece and I fell in love on first sight. She. is. beautiful!
  • The family Easter brunch was incredible and my brother made the mother of all grits. Let's just say, I did not even like grits until he made them for me. If you ever have me over for breakfast I promise to make them for you! It's now a family recipe, so there will be no recipe sharing this time...sorry!
  • Alexander, the world's cutest, sweetest, kindest nephews officially weighs too much to be picked up and is a head taller than all the other kids in his pre-k class. He's 5 people, FIVE! Um, he will be large and in charge when he's a man.
  • I'm contemplating some major changes that would include a significant amount of transition time and $$. Lord help me because I like to be on solid ground at all times. Pray for me :)
  • No, this would not include ANOTHER move...I'm quite happy in my coastal town.
  • Yes, I like being cryptic.
  • I now love sci-fi and fantasy novels. I mean really LOVE. I know, right? So not me, but so much more food for the imagination! I can't even read another genre right now. Go here and here and here and here for some of my favorites.
  • I am considering giving up my data/internet plan for my phone ::gasp::... wait for it..... to downsize my spending. Although, that change will not take place until after my transatlantic journey.
  • In turn, I will most likely give up twitter too.
  • I quit my part-time job and have my weekends back! I miss the extra $$, but now I am free for weekend roadtrips....any takers? Let me know.
  • Finally, as of last night's workout, I can not raise my arms above my head or bend over. I may have over done it.

Now that you have your little update, I must tell you that I have a new blog installment called Daily Peek. However, it wont quite be an every day thing. Some days are definitely not noteworthy... like the days I wake-up, work, go home, eat dinner, read and go to bed. This installment is more for me than anyone else. I have a bad habit of forgetting what has happened in my life ;o) Hence, the uber cheesy bulleted highlighted update above.

Love and cheerios,


(ht: AB for the Daily Peek idea)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Daily Peek 4.27.09

It finally came in the mail! The invitation to FRANCE! In case you missed the memo, I'm going to the South of France for a wedding this summer. :oD It is my first trip to Europe and it is exactly the place I have dreamed of going. I don't really care if I ever see Paris, and I have a feeling it doesn't even compare to the seaside villages of Villefranche-sur-mer. Now all I need to do is learn some French...dont want to offend the locals by assuming they know English (even though I've been well assured that most people I encounter will speak my language). I do not want to give the people of France another reason to not like Americans ;o)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Daily Peek 4.25.09

::sigh:: Today was such a bitter-sweet day. A part of my job, that I don't particularly like, is having to say goodbye to my students. This year however was extra sad because my work study student graduated. He has actually worked in my office longer than I have! He started out as my student and left as my friend. I am so proud of his accomplishment and can't wait to see how his life grows and changes over the coming months and years. The sweet part of the day is that another Commencement Ceremony is done and actually went really well! All of the bosses are happy, the students are excited about their future, and I can finally get caught up on the mountain of work on my desk.