My prayer is, as you read about what God is doing in my personal process of exchange, you would be reminded of times when God came close when you drew near. I also hope it encourages you to ask God to show you what is hindering you, distracting you, drawing you away from Him, and exchange it for more of God. One way we are encouraged is through the power of testimony! You know you cannot argue with the truth of a person's life.
Michele Rayner has been a friend and confidant for over 10 years. The power of God in her life is incredible. Her humility, character, compassion, and love for people, set her apart as a woman of God. Not only is she a friend, she is a sounding board for me and my crazy ideas and revelations...always bringing balance to my dreaming mind. She recently shared this testimony with me about a time when she made a major exchange and how God was faithful to bring His presence near...
"Less than a year ago I was disillusioned. Bitterness, anger, and hurt had become constant companions of mine. I had just experienced major transition and upheaval in my life. I left a ministry, that just a few short years ago, I committed my life to serving God in that capacity. I was utterly confused. I felt people and God, had failed me. Most of all, I was ashamed because I knew I allowed my constant companions to move me away from the source of my life. There came a point that something had to change. One weekend in March, I decided, on a whim, to go to a college conference. The first Friday night (of the conference) something happened in my heart. As I was worshipping God, I began to repent and exchange all of what I held on to for all of Him. I found myself on my face, crying and asking God to come back. I was sorry that I walked away, that I allowed bitterness; hurt and resentment stifle our relationship. I quietly whispered "Holy Spirit, please come back" and in that moment I felt God's love and heart for me unlike I have ever known. That was the night; I came to truly understand what exchange was all about and set me on an amazing journey of the heart."
If anyone has a testimony they would like to share, please email me and I'll post it! Testimonies set people free by A)showing them they are not the only one who is going through/feeling that and B)gives people hope that God will show up for them too.
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